
EU-Austritt and neue deutsche Währung

EU-Austritt and neue deutsche Währung

The AfD made the finals of the Bundestagswahl programs in the European Union and the Austrian Germany in the European System. That’s why Nachrichten magazine “Spiegel”.

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“An Austrian Germany stopped in the European Union and Gründung a new European Gemeinschaft für notwendig” remained in the AfD-Papier. The EU alone is a “Wirtschafts- und Interessengemeinschaft (WIG)” ersetzt werden. Dazu solle es eine Volksabstimmung über an “Anpassung der Europaartikel des Grundgesetzes”. One of the EU’s anti-production warnings comes from “Spiegel” with more papers. “Der Übergang in die new WIG, a new agreement has been reached between the new EU-Common Statutes and the new Consensuses.”

It enabled Germany, together with a solid and stable European System, to fall “in line with the Euro”, the AfD said. The result was “General Information” as the “Best Data in the European System”.

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Nothing new: Once upon a time in the AfD-Vorsitzende Alice Weidel said in an interview with the “Financial Times” that in the referendum on a wealthy Austrian Germany of the European Union could not replace the EU Partei very well. Wirtschaftsverbänden continues Aussagen regarding Kritik. Weidels Co-Vorsitzender Tino Chrupalla more information A gegenüber from DeutschlandfunkWhen “Dexit” is restarted, Weidels die by Location.
