
VW’s Hoffnungs project plan: Nothing built in America

VW’s Hoffnungs project plan: Nothing built in America

2029 will be a new E-Golf with Rivian Technology, a new product from Trinity.

(VW)2029 will be a new E-Golf with Rivian Technology, a new product from Trinity.

Trinity War in Volkswagen’s Prestige Project. E-Auto works together with Level-4-Autonomy and provides greater safety. Ursprünglich war der Trinity für 2026, wurde dann aber auf auf 2032 verschoben. Doch die Chancen, dass Trinity dann auch wirklich gebaut wird, stehen gut.

Der Wolfsburger Automobile Konzern volkswagen and US-American E-Autohersteller Rivian came together in a Joint Venture in November. VW will enable Rivian to make more profit from its software technology. Das Unternehmen presents the new version of E-Autos. During the Tesla-Konkurs, the software that came with the software also arrived.

On the one hand, Volkswagen’s prestigious projects are being undertaken, and on the other hand, an important project is being undertaken. Der Trinity, ein weitgehend autonom fahrendes Auto, war aus wirtschaftlichen Grinden auf 2032 verschoben worden. Quick projects are also Projekt gescheitert. A new Leben einzuhauchen with the Rivian scheme of the Trinity – and with the Vorzug of the latest models.

Der Golf überholt Trinity

Trinity with Level-4 Autonomous Plan Developed with Rivian’s Software Technology. So is VW Boss Thomas Schäfer. In conversation with the CEO of Medienvertretern: “We have extensive experience with software-defined Fahrzeug. This goes hand in hand with the new Electronic Architecture of the Joint Venture together with Rivian.” All this follows: “A new one with an iconic project We are starting a project and we have also started golf.”

Audi and Porsche Zuerst

New Golf of the New Golf – 2029 is a very good sales year – A new brand has been added to the VW Family from Vorzug. New Audi and Porsche models are launched in 2027, along with Rivian-Technologie’s new year. Danach folgt der Golf und anschließend – vermutlich 2032 – der Trinity. A plan with a large bulk for a car is a much easier hinge.

Schäfer Ruedert Zurück and Erklärt: “It was a very good idea and Projekt had a very different lead. There is not a huge priority, it is a good thing that Trinity is not involved in the war in volume.” Trinity is also guilty of a civil war .This is a technical massabe from the new Fahrzeugen of the VW Family.