
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Merkel chooses Anfänge and entschuldigt sich bei Alexandra

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Merkel chooses Anfänge and entschuldigt sich bei Alexandra

Merkel agrees with Alexandra and is excited

Former Bundeskanz Angela Merkel talked about her memories. İhrem ehemaligen Wahlkreis liest sie ve signed Danach Geuldig Example. A Weggefährtin must be open.

Stralsund (dpa/mv) – Angela Merkel of the former Bundeskanz ran Abschied von der großen politischen Bühne in ehemaligen Wahlkreis in Biografie vorgestellt in Stralsund. As a work of art for a first, you did a very good job of moving the CDU-Politician to a building in the Theater Hall. “Es war mir ein Bedürfnis, dass ich das dort mache, wo ich politisch groß geworden bin.”

The Buch Schon in Berlin has concerns about journalist Anne Will. In Stralsund, Merkel wore a very tall Büroleiterin Beate Baumann’s hat with Buch’s 700th-ranked German Stunden with the title “Freiheit”. This is unusual on the day of a debate in the Bundestag.

Verhelfen Merkel for Bundestagskandidatur

On September 27, 1990, I attended a grand Saal im Haus der Armee with the status of Prora auf Rügen. Formerly a Wahlgang used Kreisverbands Rügen with more information at another Kandidaten stand of the Versammlung Verlassen. You have seen how bad Siegessicher gewesen is. We didn’t think we could be part of Bussen, getting more angry from Grimmen and Stralsund. Play Stichwahl for Merkel’s Kandidat and let it sit there. Der Rest ist Geschichte.

Merkel has had direct regional rule in the Bundestag for 30 years. The 2021 war never started. Take the CDU-Chief and the 16-year war of the Kanzs – together with the former and former German women. Merkel was at the Wahlkreisbüro in Stralsund. Stroll around the city and during major projects in the Rügenbrücke or Ozeaneums.

Alter Weggefährte: “Natürlich sind wir stolz.”

Unter den Gästen am Abend waren Weggefährten und CDU. From Nordvorpommern to Wolfhard Molkentin (CDU) In 1990, Merkel Kandidatur’s pension came with Blick from Werdegang: “Natürlich sind wir stolz.” Only the Kararriere were the most beautiful women of the greatest autumn.

This is a name signed by Bücher von Merkel, but also by Landeswirtschaftschafts minister Harry Glawe or Commander-in-Chief of Stralsund Alexander Badrow (on the side of the CDU). And Georg Günther says that 2021 led to a war that Merkel directly followed, and Wahl also started a war against Gästen in February.

Keine Zeit für Alexandra

Merkel switched from the GDR to another Leben, a victory over Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Hund flew to Ukraine and participated in the Flüchtlingspolitik, or Besuchen, with US Prime Minister George W. Bush. Pomerania and Texas. The Publikum was revived with cheers and applause.

Weltpolitik never reversal of the Old Kanz, a Weggefährtin zu entschuldigen, und Freitag ohne sie auskommen muste – a Pinguindame im Ozeaneum, für die sie a Patenschaft. “Ich mustte heute eine Einladung von Alexandra ausschlagen. Alle Pfleger von ihr haben’s ihr hoffentlich schonend beigebracht.” This was much more than Former US Representative Barack Obama’s Vorstellung at the US Australia Buches in Washington.