
Umfrage, Einblick at Reportingpraxis KI-Einsatz | Control

Umfrage, Einblick at Reportingpraxis KI-Einsatz | Control

In an Echtzeit-Umfrage there is the Teilnehmenden that KI-Einsatz provides in the Praxis analysis. This Concerns KI with Einsatzfeldern in Reporting, Reliable Technologies with User Provided Berichtskonsum in Anwendung.

Umfrage has made a change called reference regarding applications for different specifications and losses. Angelina Brehm and Marco Mohr von Horváth die during Fragen and quarrel in Ergebnisse im Anschluss. This is a better conference with another payment method and a better conference with another solution. An Einblick dies somewhere outside the Status Quo, which, aside from its identifying potentials, is not something that will get more beautiful every day.

Umfrage Konzentrierte sich auf

  1. die Einsatzfelder von KI im Reporting,
  2. Die heute verwendeten Front End Technologies im Reporting,
  3. Hürden bei KI-Anwendungen im Reporting,
  4. Die Form, der Berichte aktuell konsumiert werden,
  5. Integration of Performance Management and Combining KPIs
  6. Updated Roadmap for reporting.

Einsatzfelder von KI im Reporting

Information Technology has been successful in gaining a knowledge of Reporting and has remained for a very long time in gaining more knowledge. In Vilen Unternehmen, KI found Einsatzfelder. Die Auswertung zeigt dass KI im Reporting uses Berichtserstellung genutzt wird in the process of operation. Rund die Hälfte der Unternehmen (50%) ensures the involvement of KI in data collection and data collection. This is our primary focus, effective in terms of efficiency and data optimization.

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Image: Horvath

Thanks to KI improving reporting, much greater potential is achieved in better implementation of KI-Lösungen for Interpretation and Analysis. The analysis process can be done automatically and relevant early transactions can be initiated.

Front End Technologies and Reporting

In the new era, Front End Technologies now operate with Advanced Technologies in Reporting. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass Unternehmen heute auf eine breite Palette von BI-Systemen zurückgreifen. It is among Einsatz’s top “end” Systems (29%), with Microsoft Power BI (27%) and SAP Analytics Cloud (19%). More, it has never produced anything before, combined with MS Excel and MS PowerPoint and much more in Unternehmen anzutreffen sind. “One Size Fits All” is not limited to anything. Stattdessen spiegelt die Bandbreite und eingesetzten Tools die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse und Strategien der Unternehmen wider.

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Image: Horvath

Herausforderungen of Anwendung from KI

During reporting, information coming from KI is reported with all kinds of feedback. Der häufigste Grund und fehlende technische Voraussetzungen (30%), it was too late, dass viele Unternehmen noch nicht über die notwendige IT-Infrastructure Verfügen. Anwendungsfelder, one of the best today, shows that Reporting has a much higher income – 19% is due to the idea, according to data provided by KI. The potential of KI provides the best potential for optimization in overnight (systematic) identification.

Daneben is very successful in Resource and Budget Support for the 18% of KI. New Investment Technologies and New Technologies are getting richer financially every day with a new investment method. By pooling resources, spreading cables over a large area, spend more time investing in KI and make things easier for you later.

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Image: Horvath

Konsummedium des Berichtswesens

Das Berichtswesen is nothing more than Entscheidungsträgern, new information and more information for new information. Statistics Form for Fachkonferenz Reporting Zeigt, dass die Mehrheit der Unternehmen (73%) digitally Berichte hauptsächlich, Verfügung stellen (z. B. via PDF or Excel). The Statische Berichte never took a “docile” approach and had very good mobility for a flexible analysis during Konsumenten.

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Image: Horvath

23% of primary BI-Tools provide a dynamic and interactive service and greater functionality. Dass nur ein Viertel der Unternehmen diesen Ansatz verfolgt, zeigt, dass viele Organizationen noch einen Entwicklungsschritt vor sich haben Richtung eines modern Berichtswesens.

Nachhaltigkeits-KPIs in Performance Management

The regulatory rules regarding the EU Taxonomy and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) are the legal regulations applicable in the EU. Reporting in Fachkonferenz Reporting in Frage, together with the Best Performance Management Performance Indicators, also applies to: There are some KPIs that are not integrated at all, for others there are also some KPIs that are not integrated. “E” and “S” – Kennzahlen regarding CO₂ Emission and Diversity. Eine ganzheitliche bzw. Integrating ESG Information in Performance Management is no longer easy. Angesichts wachsender Anforderungen und Transparenz und Verantwortung der Unternehmen offers the best Verbesserungspotenzial.

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Image: Horvath

Current Reporting-Roadmap

Ende der Befragungen immediately created the Konferenzteilnehmer containing the Themes in the Reporting-Roadmap.

A new Star with 23% of the database and architecture had a solid, solid and extremely robust database and higher power with Grundpfeiler and Schmerzpunkt for new entries.

Ebenfalls prioritizes standardization in terms of Geschäfts- und Funktionsbereiche (17%). Eine solche Vereinheitlichung ermöglicht es, Daten consistent und vergleichbar über verschiedene Unternehmensbereiche hinweg zu nutzen und Prozesse einfach zu halten. This rate (16%) arises from the reduction in the increase in reporting processes and constitutes a major topic of discussion in discussions.

Useful themes for a good Reporting-Roadmap.

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Image: Horvath