
Bei therapierefraktären depressive syndrome…

Bei therapierefraktären depressive syndrome…


Homburg/Berlin – Chronic Chronic and Depressive Therapist Syndrome, Behavior and Behavior is a guide to Behavior and Behavior. Traumatology is a factor that causes depressive syndrome. Where Ulrike Schmidt (Homburg/Saar) is at her best Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DPPPN) in Berlin (Vortrag und Präsentations ID EP-02-01).

“A depressive Syndrome continues chronically, lasts longer than 2 years, and a depressive episode is therapeutically gilded, 2 adequate antidepressive Behandlungsversuche keine carries an important meaning”, i.e. Schmidt, stellvertretende Direktorin der psychiatrischen und Psychotherapeutischen Abteilung am Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes.

It is included in the literature as Trauma and Trauma Treatments with Post-Traumatic Belastungstörung (PTBS) as a comprehensive treatment method for the treatment of chronic or depressive Syndrome. krankheitsaufrechterhaltende Faktoren darstellen.

Schmidt Reviewed Trauma and Trauma Treatments in the Population to observe the best systemic treatment and chronic depression in one day and begin an antidepressive therapy PTBS Therapy is an important bee infection.

In a PTBS-Patient and Patient Cohort, Depressive Syndrome was improved during Trauma-Focused Psychotherapy, while Pharmacotherapy-related treatments have not yet resulted. 69% aller Patients and Patients with a PTBS and a chronic therapy or chronic therapy Depression, without causing any trauma, with any symptoms related to PTBS, 80% more trauma free This is an important consideration in a method of psychotherapy.

“Aus den Ergebnissen, analyz kann der Schluss gezogen werden, dass eine strukturierte Diagnostik und Behandlung von Traumafolgestörungen die Behandlungsduration einer Subpopulation von Menschen mit therapierefraktärer o chronischer Depression deutlich veritessern könnte”, lautete Schmidts Fazit. © hil/