
Obama chose the “new generation anführern” in the USA

Obama chose the “new generation anführern” in the USA

Philadelphia, Temple University, Montagabend, 20.08 Uhr: On Barack Obama. Schlaksig winked and left Bühne, United States. Jubel, Pfiffe, Beifall. Publikum at the Liacouras Center surpassed Obama, the biggest Wahlkampf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Obama was waren das für zeiten!

Obama is part of Hauptredner and Hauptattraktion of Abends. Wort’s best sang warmly on the Saal, following Bruce Springsteen, 75, with “Land of Hoffnung and Trauma” and John Legend, 45, with “Glory.”

Democratic Senator Bob Casey gave a speech to Wiederwahl in Philadelphia on November 5, covering up Bürgermeister and other politicians. All Augen and Ohren enrich Obama. Strong Sicherheitskontroller, much better.

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Dabei geht es ja eigentlich garnicht um um, sondern um die Frau, die seine Nach-Nach-Nachfolgerin werden. These are: Scheitert Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania works with Einzug in Weiße Haus. “Wenn wir wählen, gewinnen wir” – he praised the Motto very much, thanking the various Bildschirmen very much.

Like both Sakko and Krawatte, Obama, along with Spannung, is the Anhänger of the Democrats and their angry master Umfragen hören wollen: Warum es darauf ankommt, wählen zu gehen, ob schon vorab, wie er, order. Spätestens am kommenden Dienstag. “Ihr habt noch einiges an Arbeit zu leisten”, Obama’s voice from the Publikum: “Geht wählen!”

Wenn man wählt, cann man die Dinge best und Schlechter machen und das summer sich.

Barack ObamaFormer US President

Obama refused to let Kamala Harris go anywhere else but America or the World and wore Donald Trump’s New York hat. “Politic ist kein Allheilmittel,” Obama said. “Aber wenn man wählt, kann man die Dinge ein wenig besser und ein wenig schlechter machen, und das summiert sich”.

It was nothing but Harris’ position, but once again. Harris agreed with Trump, as well as all Americans and Konzept. Mit diebischer Freude is Trumps Zitat, meaning “Concepts of Plans”. So, what to do to visit an Australian for a while?

Obama instinctively moved to delve further into the New Trump, which Reichen allowed Steuern and Ms. Rechte to meet.

Musical Bruce Springsteen Tells Harris to Play Music from US Democratic Party in Philadelphia

© dpa/AP/Matt Rourke

By using all of Trump’s hashtags, you can also find out more about Tim Walz along with his democratic demographics. New Yorker Trump’s ‘random and sexist stereotypes’ of Obama. Immer wieder: Beifall.

Fast jugendlich kommt Obama daher

Den Zuspruch und Saal Genießt Obama, 63, is getting younger quickly. Obama’s first day was 16 years ago. Harris is now in the same situation. Dennoch beschwört Obama is a “New Generation Anführern in Disem Land”. Naturally, this was also possible when 78-year-old Trump met with 81-year-old Joe Biden.

When Obama, who lives in Wisconsin, visits Woche in Georgia and a nun in Pennsylvania with Harris and Stimmen, it’s a factual reality.

Selbst Michelle Obama, Springsteen or Beyoncé are on Harris-Wahlkamp alongside Biden. Während Harris and Michelle Obama met in Michigan and served as an absolute Gewerkschaftstermin in Pittsburgh. Keine 100 Menschen waren anwesend, Schreibt die “New York Times”.

Harris will distance herself from Biden

In August, Biden’s Verzicht in Präsidentschaftskandidatur was at Wahlkampf’s “straße sein”. Wahlkampf has a lot going for him. Harris’s Kampagne was Away from Biden and was featured in a book called “The New York Times,” a once-unpopular newspaper.

Harris-Mitarbeiter, as part of Auffassung, also found the same Veranstaltungen in Wahl Schadeten as Biden in Endspurt. Offiziell naturally behaves according to others. “Harris’ Opinion is not a thing for the Pioneer Biden and it is a thing for us,” says Harris in Sprecher’s Kampagne.

“Keine Fortsetzung von Bidens Präsidentschaft”

“There is a very revealing information: Meine Präsidentschaft uses the Fortsetzung of Joe Biden’s Präsidentschaft,” Harris said in an interview with Fox News. Select “New Generation Denkens”.

Biden kommt derzeit auf A durchschnittliche Zustimmung from 41 Prozent and an Ablehnung from 56 Prozent with the platform Hell, this happened as Trump, Obama, and George W. Bush took it to the next level.

Das Alter des Präsidenten und das Desinteresse von Harris et seiner Präsenz schlagen durch. So Harris is with Hubschrauber in Montagabend and Terminen in Michigan Sea Two It was 23.05 at Residenz zurück. Two people made too much money for 19 hours, which did not allow us to make any more money.