
Reisestarkes Quartal: Lufthansa to trotz Nachfragehoch Sparen

Reisestarkes Quartal: Lufthansa to trotz Nachfragehoch Sparen

Die Lufthansa carried out a Gewinnrückgang with a much tougher Ticket Sales and a Rekordumsatzes this summer. Jetzt has launched a flight program on Lufthansa Airlines’ Hauptmarke: A Sparprogramm, together with MDax Gelistet in Frankfurt, has created an Ebit program operational for 2026 for roughly 1.5 Billion Euros. In this way, with a konzernweit operating between 1.4 and 1.8 Billion Euros, we have made very little money this year, since a summer later.

I restarted a quarter of Lufthansa with a €1.3B operation and made less money in a year. Niedrigere Ticket Price and Ticket Prices charge more than Umsatzzuwachs. In front of Strich is Gewinn, who is one year behind with 1.1 Billion Euros. Lufthansa Airlines is fighting better with new flights and more personalized service. Der Vorstand will remove more Betriebskosten with more Flugbetriebe Flüge der Marke auf Flugbetriebe and then automatize Konzerns verlagern und Teile des Betriebs stärker.