
Pkw-Crash on A10 becomes Knoten Pongau of Schwerverletzten

Pkw-Crash on A10 becomes Knoten Pongau of Schwerverletzten


An accident has occurred

symb_feuerwehr symb_blaulicht


Gekracht says the A10 is the Knoten Pongau. (SYMBOLBILD)

There was a Fall with a Fahrzeugen in the A10, a Person’s Verletzungen in Knoten Pongau. Unfallstelle is a very light geräumt and something Stau has long lost.

A Sunfall with a Schwerverletzen is located at Dienstagvormittag in Knoten on the Tauernautobahn (A10). pongau At Fahrtrichtung Salzburg. ORF-Get more out of Fahrzeuge. Once again there was a long journey in Lammertal-Hüttau and Knoten Pongau. Es bildete sich Stau, der sich nur langsam auflöste.

Verkehrsmeldungen in Echtzeit

Die schwerverletzte Person is located in Schwarzenberg-Klinik and Pongau in Schwarzach. No Information ever appears in an unexpected way.

(Quelle: SALZBURG24)

Starting from 29.10.2024 at 10:42