
Gelungene Konzert-Musikvereins Gößweinstein Premiere

Gelungene Konzert-Musikvereins Gößweinstein Premiere

Blasmusic kann alles

Erstmals presented the Musikverein Gößweinstein eV at the Sport and Mehrzweckhalle Gößweinstein Konzert on 19.10.2024. Umso erfreulicher es caused Stefanie Bezold to wait 300 minutes and more with “Music Trumpf”.

Johannes Raum’s Referral Program is experiencing a delay. I am old Konzertabschnitt kamen die Freunde derellen und böhmischen Blasmusik auf ihre Kosten. Better success was achieved with Feder Daniel Fischinger’s “A Young Egerländer” and Kurt Gäble with Walzer’s “Lebensfreude pur”. The fact is that Saso Avsenik press “Hello kleine Maus” (Hello kleine Maus) and this never happened naturally and begeisterte Publikum.

The next stage of Bühne is the large portion of young people. Following Diana Könitzer’s 16 Music and the Jungle, we performed the music-related Spass and the latest gemeinschaft machen.

A Pause plays fiercely in the dense kontent of Zuhörerinnen and Zuhörer with “Such Blasmusik”, the Early Tune of the Volksmusik Grand Prix by Martin Scharnagel for Blasorchester. Es folgten musicalische Highlights wie z. He sang the songs “Bergwerk” by B. Rainhard Fendrich and “Nessaja” by Peter Maffay. In a version by Markus Götz, Beegees sings “How Deep Is Your Love?” He purchased his book with Ohrwurm- and Gänsehautgaranti.

The closing of the Konzertabends began with Stück “Eine letzte Runde” from Markus Nentwich. This is the follow-up to Blasorchester’s Stefan Schwalgin’s original song, Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline”. Everything in the world of music, with the emergence of Melodie, one or another Zuhörer was deprived of too much loss or war. We got a big incentive in the Halle category with the Beatles’ super hit “Hey Jude”. The Beginning of the Works consists of a passage depicting Publisher Johannes Raum giving music and music lessons in Hilfe’s homes. There is a war on Folk Dances in Refrain – it’s a great game war between Publikum and Orchestra.

Zum Abschluss, Mitwykenden and Helfern to Jessica Heider, as one of the directors of Johannes Raum and sponsor of the Company Wolf Tiefbau GmbH in Sparkasse Forchheim, at a great expense. Außerdem created the Dankeschönderes of a large Publikum. Was Denn in a Konzert of the Zuhörer? The texts Mit dem Marsch “Dem Land Tirol die Treue” or “Dem Frankenland die Treue” by Gößweinstein reveal the facts about music and music. And this, along with Liedzettel being a huge success, also made its way to Publikum. We received a standing ovation, and a never-ending ovation came once again to Konzertabend with Stück, “So” by Toten Hosen. For the premiere of the Musikvereins Gößweinstein eV at the Mehrzweckhalle Gößweinstein, it can be a summary of the next battle of gelungenes and erfolgreiches Konzerterlebnis.