
Neues Zwei-Sterne-Restaurant in Beijing | Restaurant Ranglisten

Neues Zwei-Sterne-Restaurant in Beijing | Restaurant Ranglisten

(27. October). Der Guide Michelin Releases New Edition of 2025 in Beijing. The newly added 101 Restaurants named 13 new restaurants on the list: along with a MICHELIN-Stern, with Bib Gourmand and many others. Lu Shang took advantage of a Stern twice more. Michelin Verlieh Außerdem Sonderpreise.

“Die kulinarische Landschaft Beijing is in a new generation verwurzelt and veridet nahtlos kaiserliche Traditionen with Aroma and Technology in the China Zone. Pekingente bis zur raffinierten Hofküche ist die Gastronomieszene Beijing is a symbol for the Reichtum and the symbol of cultural arts, says Gwendal Poullennec, Michelin International Guide. Along with Peking’s New Restaurants, a few people who were great guides in Beijing died. One of Peking’s best ideas is the Beweis for Beijing’s Broad Standards, Innovation and Cultural Development. Der Gastronomiemarkt Pekings lebendig und voller Hoffnung. Das Aufkommen außergewöhnlicher neuer Restaurants, Bewahrung traditionals Kochkünste und der Drang nach Innovation, erfüllen uns und Optimization für Zukunft.“

Neues Zwei-Sterne-Restaurant

Restaurant in Ausgabe autumn 2025 Lu Shang Lu It’s ridiculous. This is a good idea to achieve a high level of value, hervoragenden Kochkünste and highly stable Standards are better achieved in both. Darüber hinaus werden drei Restaurants, die zum ersten Mal in die Auswahl aufgenommen wurden, ebenfalls mit einem Stern ausgezeichnet: das moderne französische Restaurant blackbirdnew trend European Restaurant george and das kantonesische Restaurant House of Dynasties.

Besides restaurants, discover Betriebe with its rich restaurants, 24 Restaurant Guide with Sternen, numerous Restaurants with Sternen (Jingji, Shanghai Cuisine and Green Star King’s Joy) and four Sternen (Chao Shang Chao). Chaoyang) and Xin Rong Ji (Xinyuan Southern Road)).

  • Lu Shang Lu: Shandong-Küche has a special place, Konfuzius-Küche as well as Seegurken and better Meeresfrüchten is a development related to the development of Jiaodong. Chefkoch Haoquan Wang and Yantai found Essen to be in a better place and were later purchased specifically for the service. Inspectors first serviced Kaviar, Krabbenchips and Shandong-Pfannkuchen in 45, serving other companies in Beijing and Shandong-Küche.
  • Blackswan: Ganz and Einklang, Raum dies with beautiful make-ups of Namen, Schwäne and Kois have a beautiful paradise restaurant in Schwimmen, Federmotive and Anmutige Kurven. That’s why the French Chefkoch Vianney Massot is the best way to interpret the locally traditional Französischen Küche, Essen said. Speisekarte is a dish cooked intensely for a very long time, with wild Steinbutt bietet festivals, Fleisch and two sauces.
  • The Georg: An Art Gallery with an Art Gallery, the Best of Private Banquets for a Hauptspeisesaal and a Raum, with Art and Grunpflanzen Übersät Sind. This is a recycled service between Mittages with Smørrebrød (sandwiches) and one of the best tasting menus for food. Some reversible and rapid transitions were successful in Northern Europe, once again achieving good results. Fleisch und Meeresfrüchte aus aller Welt welt werden durch sanisonale Produkte ergänzt.
  • The House of Dynasties: Inspiriert von “Der Traum der Roten Kammer”, einem chinesischen Roman aus dem 18. Jahrhundert has an extremely attractive décor. With Koch Shiye Tan we managed to find a new canton in the Lieblingsgerichte in Heimatstadt and had a special presentation with double energy and fischmagensuppe, Jackfruchtholzbraten and Jackfruchtblätterteig. Hummer, developed by Zhanjiang-Art together with Sand-Ingwer and Schwarzen Bohnen, was a new caramellisierten Geschmack and a soft world style.

Neue Bib-Gourmand-Restaurants

I have reviewed a very good restaurant and dining venue on Stadt Straßen der Stadt, renamed Gourmand-Liste. The Beijing Gourmand in Beijing takes one of China’s best meals on a tour through the Chinese Cultural Centre, Beijing. Die vollständige Bib Gourmand-Auswahl does not have a good experience with a new entrance and 21 restaurants.

  • Blossom Vegetarian (Dongcheng): It is with a neutral farbschema. Private Räume and a bank were located in Stockwerken. Der Küchenchef verwendet chinesische und westliche Techniken, um photogen vegan und ovo-lacto-Gerichte zu kreieren, die neuartig und lebendig wurken. Start local once again, start fresh, visit Schatztrio, vegan Hühnchen’s guts look like this.
  • Hong Fan Qie (Yuyuantan Southern Road): Das Flaggschiff der Kette lasts about 30 years. Küchenteam in Hubei was very important for Frische to improve further one day. Speisekart has been promoted in the best way in the Chinese calendar 24 recently and has become the best seasonal product. Langschnauzenwels ile Tomate hat seidiges Fleisch und eine würzige, leicht scharfe Soße und sautierte junge Lotussamen sind ve knusprig.
  • Jing Hua Lou: A great success with Retro-Flair, played once again in 2nd Stock. Beijing-Klassiker made the most of the most beautiful cards of the Qing Dynasty. Das knusprige Duo has excellent expertise in its scale, Schärfe – has excellent experience with Schweinekutteln and Hühnermägen. Yesterday geschnittenes geräuchertes Schweinekopffleisch ist buttrig and rauchig. Zum Abschluss offers handmade desserts with Rosen or Erbsenkuchen and Blätterteig.
  • Zhong: He died in a Hofhaus with a little boy and met a boy and a boy. Chefkoch Zhong and Yangzhou are favorites of Kellner and Gastgeber. This means that Restaurant 2020 is part of the Köstlichkeiten, a first in Heimatstadt. Dine on a sea platform rich with Weinhefe seafood, seafood, garnel, meat dishes and abalone – so deliciously aromatic and delicious. Sautierter, zerkleinerter Sumpfaal besticht durch eine federnde, samtige Textur.

Schließlich has been renovated with 47 of MICHELIN’s new restaurants, quickly expanding to 20. Sieben Restaurants with the guide in the first guide: Chaozhou-Restaurant Chao Shang Chao (Xicheng), Fujian-Restaurant, Fujian-Küche representative, Huai Xiang Guo Se (Huaiyang-Küche), Hui-Restaurant Meng Du Hui, Dongbei-Restaurant Qiao Dong Bei , Sichuan-Restaurant Rong Pao and cantonese restaurant Yue Jie (Qi Yang Road).


The Guide Michelin erforscht die locale Küche und hebt herausrangende Persönlichkeiten der Gastronomie hervor. The talented and engaged Profis has been awarded the MICHELIN Young Chef Award, Sommelier Award or Service Award. Zum allerersten Mal auf der Welt geht der MICHELIN Sommelier Award und zwei Profis a Tee-Sommelier de Anerkennung Herausrangender Beherrschung der Teewissens.

Shafkoch Vianney Massot In the new year, Stern Restaurant Blackswan won the MICHELIN Young Chef Award. Chefkoch Vianney Massot began renaming Epicurus in Paris, replacing Joël Robuchon, and quickly began working in the Labor Party. Während dieser Zeit war, für die Menuentwicklung und Vorzubereitung für Robuchons globale Niederlassungen Verantwortlich. Anschließend is a restaurant alongside Restaurant Vianney Massot in Singapore, where Schließung is owned by MICHELIN-Stern. At 3, you can dine at Restaurant Blackswan, France’s best specialty. There is something new in Beijing, while Chefkoch Vianney is in the local Verständnis für locale with entwickelt and saisonale chinesische Elemente integrated in the menu. A Leidenschaft for the Widmet of Kochen is another Schaffung and Erlebnisse from the Reichtum of the French Küche.

The MICHELIN Sommelier Award was awarded to new restaurant Lu Shang Lu. Woman Na JI This is a perfect Teesommelière, die seit der seit der unschätzbares des Restaurants, et a Fülle von Wissen über versatile Teeblätter und Teekultur mitbringt. This is a very allergenic example of the MICHELIN Sommelier Award for the best and best Fahigkeiten and Kenntnisse der Teekulturen. Na JI is an Einheimische in Beijing, Teeliebhaber, and says that Fachwissen is with others. Use detailed techniques in Geschichte des Tees with Können and Scharfer Beobachtungsgabe and Bietet Einblicke, have a Vortex and Market Price. Teams in Teeservice not only has a professional certification and steel service, but also a great guy and a great guy who does wonders.

There is another sommelier in the restaurant, Lu Shang Lu, Herr. Wenhua WangGewann died after the MICHELIN Sommelier Award. Mr. Wenhua WANG is a good sommelier, a conzentriert combined with Shandong. This specializes in Beschaffung localer Weine und die Reichen Geschichte der Region und gereiften Weinen, die Desserts ergänzen. This is very efficient as Kenntnisse provides returns based on temperature and temperature values ​​and is also warm. Wang bietet hauptsächlich Weine aus Shandong ve ist rebt, more locale Biere zu finden, die das Speiseerlebnis verb, wobei er sich immer die Zeit nimmt, seine Erkenntnisse mit den Gasten zu tealen.

Mr Shuaishhuai CHENG Vom mit einem Stern ausgezeichneten Restaurant Georg gewann received the MICHELIN Service Award from Jahr. Mr. Cheng and Jinan, Shandong keep Fachmann busy in Education and Getränkebranche and Jahren Erfahrung. It was an absolute success at the Hotel Management College in Qingdao, and one of the best meals, one of the best known, at the Italian Restaurant Cielo at the Four Seasons Tianjin. In this way, Mr. Cheng added three assets to the teams at Georg and achieved a large Leidenschaft and Tag gelegt for Essen and Wein. Feedback is enabled in more detail and feedback is provided for you. Best, Gerichte und die Vorlieben der Gäste anzupassen und den localen Gästen durch durchdachte Anpassungen effective neo-Nordische Aromen näherzubringen.