
The man fell and flew with Sprengstoff – Big

The man fell and flew with Sprengstoff – Big

Big alarm in Berlin: A human check is extremely important during a check and flight. Polizei managed to breathe once more.

Ein Mann met a tasche where Sprengstoff from Berliner S-Bahnhof Neukölln fell. This is a lost big pollizei aus. The federal police will reach Mann at the S-Bahnhof checkpoint at 15.30. Beamten looks like Mann festzuhalten und griffen dabei seinen Stoffbeutel. This unexpected loss by Griff caused Beutel to fall and fly. Beamten Sprengstoff at Beutel with Polizei in a press release. Nach Angaben der “Welt” sollen 530 Gramm Sprengstoff is gone once again.

Beamten creates an explosive backdrop for a park fund in Nähe. I am Abend, an expert control specialist through Polizei. Für Anwohner habe keine Gefahr bestanden. “BZ” further strengthened Löcher, a product that provides greater parking control. The explosion reached hundreds of meters further, firing at Blatt.

Nach dem Mann has a gefahndet. An online policy is the most important thing at first, good information for a person or a Tatverdächtigen, but something that never works.

In an S-Bahn station, cameras can also be used. In the autumn war, there is now an unknown anxiety. Something very suitable for the fight against terrorism with Ebenso Frage. Bislang means nothing. We are all over Richtungen, which is Polizei.

A Beamter sagte hinge der “BZ”: “Es sieht so aus, ass wenn hier an Anschlag verhindert wurde. Wäre dieser Sprengsatz im Nahbereich einer Menschengruppe hochgegangen, dann hätte es dramatic Folgen gehabt.” Therefore, the Staatsschutz regarding the Landeskriminal needs to be evaluated in the best possible way.

Information about “BZ” is information about a Sprengstoff containing a large number of explosive substances. Diese müsse noch genauer untersucht werden, hieß es dazu von der Polizeisprecherin. Wegen der bestehenden Gefahr sei der Fund vort gesprengt worden. “Bild”-Zeitung berichtete, this is a very good explosive Sprengstoff TATP habe. Can be used in Large Pulver, Reibung, Stöße, Warm or Funken for Explosion. This has happened many times, including 130+ and 683 longer than the Islamist Anschlag at the Paris Konzertsaal Bataclan in 2015.