
EZB Director Cipollone works for Bargeld-Ergänzung

EZB Director Cipollone works for Bargeld-Ergänzung

Ergänzung zum Bargeld

“Der Digitale Euro macht unser Leben einfacher”

Update 01.11.2024 – 14:33 UhrLesedauer: 3 min.

Digitaler Euro: EZB-Direktoriumsmitglied Piero Cipollone, Gastbeitrag die Vorteile des Projects, dessen Einführung noch nicht beschlossen ist.Vergrößern des BildesDigitaler Euro: EZB-Direktoriumsmitglied Piero Cipollone, Gastbeitrag die Vorteile des Projects, dessen Einführung noch nicht beschlossen ist. (Quelle: aprott/getty-images-bilder)

Visa, PayPal and Apple Pay were revolutionary and doubtful. A digital Euro Variant works with EZB Director Piero Cipollone at Gastbeitrag, between digital comfort combinations with Bargelds.

There has been a profit in Europe for 25 years. Zum ersten Mal verwendeten Menschen in nicht Ländern die gleichen Banknote und Münzen. Something Bargeld could bring anything to?

Seitdem once again purchased European Banknotes from the Family, Service and Chief in Europe. Keine zusätzlichen Gebühren mehr und auch nicht die bange Frage, denn mein Zahlungsmittel und akzeptiert wird.

Convenience allows you to have a better digital environment. This has created a much better situation with a card, app and device in and around Europe. Don’t dive too deep into digital technologies, but you can do it.

Euroraum participated in a fragmentary System festival where nothing could be done digitally.

Städten wie Madrid or Paris sein Essen or Weiteres kontaktlos mit der Karte beahlen kann, werden in the Landlichen Gebieten Deutschlands or Österreichs häufig nur Bargeld or locale Debitkarten akzeptiert. Some mobile apps can take advantage of you as a family friend or friend online, but there are mobile apps that can be covered up online and not accessible at all.

Pierro Cipollone.
Pierro Cipollone. (Quelle: EZB)

Italian Piero Cipollone (62) is one of the top directors of the European Central Bank. A major contribution is also expected in 2018, together with the Italian Deputy Minister of Wirtschafts, Giuseppe Conte. Before November 2023, the Vertreter of Italy in the EZB-Direktorium, the war in Weltbank and the other bank of the Italian Bank, this war was very long. The Vertreter of the Italian Bank takes part in the 2020 of the EZB Task Force, which is achieved by a digital Euro.

Kurzum works every day in the digital environment and dies under all the bad conditions that work effectively in Euroraum. So, are we here when we can use Einfachheit in the universe with the digital convenience of Bargelds? You can make online payments for free, easily and free of charge with the digital Euro – digitally and for free.

The Digital Euro is parallel to Banknotes with digital payment options for Gelegenheit and Euroraum. While it is shredded, you can reuse it later.

This way, you can pay for your digital Euros via an app, a Banking App or a card card with your digital Euro wallet.

Eat something in a cafe and a nice festival, a Portemonnaie more or nothing at all. Or do not change your card and do not activate your card. With the digital Euro, the so-called digital so-called smartphones can become easier to use in all card- or smartphone-related situations.

Man can achieve digital development. One can manage to make and keep money in Europe, and Reisen now has a fresh start.

In the digital Euro 2028, benefiting from the Einsatz kommen können, the Beschlüsse falls into the gefasst werden. Projekt means nothing more than a Forsa-Umfrage for the Bundesbank in April: 41st Anniversary of 2012, very well evaluated by one person. In the group gab es aber auch viel Irrglauben: Jeder Vierte meinte, damit sole das Bargeld ersetzt o abgeschafft werden. This is a digital Euro for a Kriptowährung.

Gilded for all other circumstances – when you contact the Babysitter, study in Australia, purchase your purchases, or encounter a new situation on the Internet that is better.

The digital Euro can be used for free at first or free for the first time. nur dann, wenn der Zug punktlich angekommen ist.

Meanwhile, broad standards and the use of Privatsphäre were adopted in Europe as a digital response: Offline Functions were a great opportunity to use the Internet.

Offline Function Has a Powerful Criticism that Ensures a Good Connection on or off the Internet. This concerned a more comprehensive security system and a more comprehensive Zahlungssystem.

The Use of the Offline Function is available and exclusively available in relation to personal transactions and, in some cases, is approved by Barzahlungen.

So what was Sie nun davon? While the European Central Bank provides services through a digital bank for the first time in Europe, the European Central Bank has a project that is one of the best and achieves more Nutzerkomfort. In this way, having a Euroraum brings with it a free Lösung along with high Sicherheits and Datenschutz standards.