
Romeo and Julia im Saarländischen Staatstheater

Romeo and Julia im Saarländischen Staatstheater

This is a very big drama: once a very big school, a very beautiful family as a family, they were once the most beautiful children in the world and one of the best. Stijn Celis’ choreography is very successful.

Intensive and sehnsuchtsvoll

Nicola Strada and Hope Dougherty with Romeo and Julia. Ihre Pas de Deux sind intense, sehnsuchtsvoll, innig, großartig. You can eat something in Liegen. Die Ballettkomanie takes a look at Maskenball, a Brand Sign or the Game Started in a Family Camp.

Improve the choreography and get perfect results. But there are some very good ideas. Erzählung plätschert und many traditional vor sich hin. And this sounds like one big Überraschung des Abends. Gleich drei Menschen went from Umfeld to Kompanie übernehmen Stück.

Weniger gewesen more

Balletmanager Klaus Kieser served as Vicar of Verona at the Bühne. Big and clear, automatically. A strong Blick, much stronger, enabled Publikum, together with Kiesers Gesten and Zeichen, to take better advantage of the Waffen.

Zeigen was the best possible game very quickly, and it is also possible that Spiel was so genügt and so fast. Diese Gesten tauchen öfter auf. This is a very important thing.

Sonderapplaus for Jeon

Neben Kieser appeared in Bühne with Youn Hui Jeon and Zofe in the Graf and Ballettschule Leiterin of Ballettmeister Claudio Schellino with Romeo and Julia. Jeon was very happy with Julia’s portrayal of Zofe Witz and Drama. You were extremely happy with a final round of applause.

It turns out that Sebastian Hannak, together with the Bühnenbildner, is equipped with a versatile, functional and short-term Kulisse, where everything from Ballsaal Square is Kreuzgang.

Manchmal plätschernd, dennoch fesselnd

Laura Theis’ costume causes even more allergic reactions. Es darf bunt ve edel sein. In a moment of intense Romeo and Julia concentration, Eleganz made Tanzes deliver a much better performance.

Justus Thorau’s Staatsorchester is beautiful and magnificent. “Romeo and Julia” berührt and überrollt. Manchmal plätschert die Geschichte vor sich hin. Do a good job.


Video (aktueller bericht, 31.10.2024, Time: 2:39 Min.)

Ballet Premiere of “Romeo und Julia” at Staatstheater

William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Julia” is a great and tragic work of literature. Grundlage exists as part of Sergej Prokofiew’s Russian Komponisten Ballet. Das Stück has its Saarbrücken Premiere at the Samstag am Saarländischen Staatstheater.

Ein Thema in der Sendung “Canapé” on 03.11.2024 in SR culture. The photo had a snapshot. (Bildquelle: Sylvain Guillot)