
Letzte Tickets: Erlebe Apocalyptica in der Rockhal!

Letzte Tickets: Erlebe Apocalyptica in der Rockhal!

11. November – Rockhal

Die Band Apocalyptica is nothing short of better, with a new music system and a wider range. The 9th studio album “Cell-0” is one of the quartet’s best instruments in recent years, taking on a new musical dimension. During the Gründung, Talent and Erfahrungen Weiterentwickelt in Helsinki in 1993, the Band said that it was an Ausdruckskraft geführt hat.

The inspiration for “Cell-0” was a classic event at Apocalyptica 2018 called “Apocalyptica Plays Metallica with Four Cellos”. The Quadruple Tour hosts a Quartett with potentially good potential in the field of music and the basis for a larger interest.

For the production of albums the band uses Sonic Pump Studios in Helsinki. Die Freiheit, ohne festen Zeitplan o Vorgaben zu arbeiten, gab den Musikern Raum, neue Wege zu gehen. The apocalypse is an unconventional method and emotional process, brought to life in an unexpectedly creative way. All in all, a good album and a statement: the intense Thrash Elements in “Road to Mayhem” are part of the Klänge in “Ashes of the Modern World” and the cinema atmosphere in “Call My Name”. » – jedes Stück We spent a day in a Klangwelt one day.