
Polar Star Lode Started Production

Polar Star Lode Started Production

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Westgold Resources Ltd has undertaken a new venture at the Bergbaugebiet Bluebird-South Junction in Meekatharra. When the newly defined Region, “Polar Star Lode”, is created, gold can be purchased and the sphere of influence of other regions can be expanded.

The Inner Part of the Zone is a zone with a star that has a gold reserve

Westgold Resources Ltd has undertaken a new venture at the Bergbaugebiet Bluebird-South Junction in Meekatharra. When the newly defined Region, “Polar Star Lode”, is created, gold can be purchased and the sphere of influence of other regions can be expanded.

Dicke the bee thief and his gold fund

Ben Rahmen has a 2024 campaign at Westgold, one of the largest funds in the Polar Star Lode. A large 13.71 Meter Bohrabschnitt has 18.02 Gramm Gold per tonne. The Inner Zone has the highest value of Gramm Gold at 36.37 Tonnes of Gold, with a geologist having a gold reserve of 5.85 Meters. There is a lot of gold in Bergbau and it brings great value to Westgold. This means that the Polar Star Lode at the North Pole reaches a distance of 34,525 meters. Bohrungen reached Oberfläche, in Winkeln and later in a better Winkeln and Tiefen vorgenommen in a best-rewarded Ausdehnung and Genaue Lage. Die Angabe zur Bohrlänge bezieht sich auf die Gesamtdistanz, dieser Zeit durch das Gestein gebohrt wurde, ve nicht auf auf einzelnes Bohrloch.

Schematischer Querschnitt South Junction auf Linie 17700N, Blick nach Norden, zeigt wichtige mineralisierte Erzgänge und Bohrabschnitte.

Pole Star Ship for Westgold

Westgold has a new gold strategy in the producing region Bluebird-South Junction. Geschäftsführer und Unternehmens CEO Laut Wayne Bramwell closed the Polar Star Lode with a production volume of 1.5 Million Tonnes for one year (Mtpa). “Mit diesen Ergebnissen entsteht hier die Möglichkeit, den Bergbaukomplex um eine dritte bedeutende Quelle zu erweitern, Westgold langfristig zugutekommen dürfte,” i.e. Bramwell. Bluebird-South Junction replaces Westgold at Murchison-Bergbaugebiet. These patterns have been further processed through the best Fusion process with Karora Resources and are currently underway with insights achieved in Quarter 2025, a Record Set for Gold Production. Westgold facility Strengthened Resources in the Region and continued with Research and Gebiets Vollständig Auszuschöpfen Potential Research Durch Weitere Investitionen.

Nachhaltige Energieversorgung und Kostensenkung

Intensive Research and Investments invests in Westgold’s energy project. This unit has a new Hybrid kraft mill and a standard installation to reduce CO2-Ausstoß and ensure a better cost. Kraftwerke combines Solarenergie, Batteriespeicher and gasbetriebene Stromerzeugung. Since the quarter of 2024, Westgold’s sales in Western Europe totaled 38 Million Liters of diesel fuel and 57,000 Tons of CO2 Emissions.
During Einsatz, energy was saved for a product of AISC and AUD 60 for one Gold Production. Bramwell concrete, together with Westgold, achieves more efficient production and more efficient production.

Cash and Ausblick for Westgold

Bohrungen and Westgold, who appeared twice in the Polar Star Lode between 700 and 800 Meters, had more Bohrungen in Planung as the genauer zu of Goldvorkommen. In this detailed Erkundung, Westgold has a very good potential, making it a potentially rich region and a solid base for gold production. In combination with the new production facility of the Great Fingall Mine, biannual production has started today and a new production facility has opened.
Westgold does not have a new strategy, but with a new strategy, it merged with Fusion with Karora Resources in August 2024. Fusion placed Westgold in the top 5 on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and produced gold in the ASX 200 Index. Westgold trades very quickly along with Australia’s gold production, producing between 400,000 and 450,000 gold coins a year.
Polar Star Lode and Ausweitung Seiner Abbau- und Explorationstätigkeiten acquired Westgold from Kurs and Rolle was considered one of Australia’s top gold producers.

Entalten Werte: XD0002747026,AU000000WGX6

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