
Therapy Treatment for Depressed Patients

Therapy Treatment for Depressed Patients

Greifswald. Stefan Lüttke, Diplompsychologe and University of Greifswald, has an in-depth training on a medical system: “We have a depression patient with a depression patient in the entlassen werden of the Krankenhaus, to find an ambulant therapy.”

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This is not a very simple thing. In a stable state, in a state of severe depression, among the things one needs most is, once again, a very difficult behavior.

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Einwohner’s Psychotherapist Geringe Zahl in the MV

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany’s biggest problem is, very heavily, a problem in the Bundesland, and hence the psychotherapy that Einwohner recommends. An Initiative at MV Kampft, a More Psychotherapeutic Kassensitz zu Gewähren.

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Die schlechte Versorgungslage hat einen Drehtürefektif zur Folge.

Stefan Lüttke

Diplompsychologe and University of Greifswald

„Die schlechte Versorgungslage hat einen Drehtürefektif zur Folge. Patient, die kein Hilfsangebot nach der Klinikbehandlung bekommen, Landen Schneller Wieder in der Klinik“, sagt Lüttke. With all this dilemma, we came together with a nice partner and carried out a study together with Innovation worth 3.6 Million Euros.

Application sales Versorgungslücke schließen

Die Studie “iCAN” richness and Menschen zwischen A rich study between 13 and 25 Years. The application is a useful application as well as a tablet with a Chatfonktion (Chatbot) function. One can Text by communicating with a single system. This is a very good thing, motivating and motivating patient.

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The app provides all psychotherapy assistance directly with a psychotherapist over the phone for 30 minutes. We don’t have a therapy, a good therapy for a psychotherapy, nothing like a psychotherapy. Die Nutzung der App is the former Monate in Entlassung with Krankenhaus Angelegt.

Bundesweit has a Jahr 180 Teilnehmer

In Greifswald, Universitätsmedizin und die Odebrecht-Stiftung an der Studie, bundesweit sind es 36 Kliniken var. 180 people started working in October 2023.

Im Laufe was a crisis experienced by Stefan Lüttke, with a lifespan of 20 years. In the MV, AOK Gesundheitsatlas pro Jahr und elf Prozent der Versicherten und Depressionen erkrankt appeared.