
Brandenburg: West Nile Virus had a bad impact in Berlin and Brandenburg

Brandenburg: West Nile Virus had a bad impact in Berlin and Brandenburg

Stop: 05.11.2024 08:19 Uhr

Deutschlandweit, along with West Nile Virus, brought 26 Menschen to mind. Fünf Fälle davon registered in Berlin, Brandenburg and contacted the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI).

Symbol Bild: Eine Mücke Gave a Gun to a Person. (Quelle: dpa/Patrick Pleul)

Erste West-Nil-Virus-Infection erfasst in Germany

Transmission of West Nile Virus is common in Berlin and Brandenburg, Pferden and Germany. Experts recommend that Sachsen as a woman is protected against infection.more

Das West-Nil-Virus remained in Africa, ending after a while in Germany in August 2018. Summer and Herbal Plants spread more widely with another infection in Berlin and Brandenburg. All this was engaged by Tiere, who was once on Vögel’s side. Infections may be milder or less harmful. Half of the infections found at RKI-Angaben occurred in Blutspendern during the tests.

Infection with West Nile Virus may also occur with the virus in another person. Ansonstens bleibt sie meist symptomlos – We completed the RKI at 80 Prozent der Fälle. Mild Symptom can also lead to Fieber or Hautausschlag sein in a non-specific manner. Selten kann es zu Gehirnhautentzündungen und neurological symptoms commen.

Gefährlich is best known as an Arten, as are all Tierseuche, Hauptwirte and Vögel of West Nile Virus. In some cases, there may be a Pferde or an Übertragung with the status of a man.