
Version of True-Crime-Podcast-Episode “Zeit Verbrechen” – Medien

Version of True-Crime-Podcast-Episode “Zeit Verbrechen” – Medien

This idea got even better due to Anhieb dying and there was an Episode on True Crime Podcasts that made it into the movies. Umso Schöner, so were we, so everything was fine in a version of the first episode. Zeit Verbrechen. This very soft, but still the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Podcast-Macher war was made by a young film production, Jorgo Narjes von X-Film, one day, a very large purchase, a lot of precious jewelry registration and registration. annahmen. “Jede Episode hat eine ganz eigene Tonalität”, sagt Narjes am Telefon, “das ist mal Tragikomödie, mal Justizthriller, mal Sozialdrama. This is a film that is one of the best films in a series of films. Als Vorlage für Autorenfilme.“