
Ermittlung gegen Former Bayern Star Vidal wegen sexueller Notigung

Ermittlung gegen Former Bayern Star Vidal wegen sexueller Notigung

We left behind Bayern Munich’s star player Arturo Vidal in the new season. Der Vorwurf: sexuelle Nötigung.

In Chile, Fußball star Arturo Vidal defeated Vorwurfs presented by the sexy Nötigung. This season culminated in him becoming a Bundesliga-Profi team in the Staatsanwaltschaft in Colo Colo, Santiago am Montag, the best football clubs of the team colleges. Bislang sei niemand festgenommen worden. Es war nicht klar, welche von Vidals Mitspielern ebenfalls von den Ermittlungen sind.

Chilenischen Medien zufolge sells Übergriff in a Nachtclub in Santiago in Morgenstunden am Montag. Colo-Colo-Spielern had a group of members and it was a Geburtstag. Polizeichef Gerardo Aravena said that the 37-year-old Vidal held an Identity Festival at a Polizeistation.

Vidal played for Bayer Leverkusen from 2007 to 2011 and played for Juventus Torino. We quickly reached 40 Million Euros at Bayern Munich in 2015. Vidal played for Bayern for a long time. You played more matches between FC Barcelona and Inter Mailand. Für die chilenische Nationalmannschaft erzielte Vidal 34 Tore in 142 Spielen.