
Stimmung Verhaltene from the Harris-Wahlparty in Washington

Stimmung Verhaltene from the Harris-Wahlparty in Washington

The Democratic Party in Washington is a very wealthy party. Doch man will do nothing but Zahlen nicht entmutigen lassen.

Ausgelassene Freude is as follows: US-Democratic Party in Hauptstadt, Warten’s Auszählung in Wahlabend in Washington. Kamala Harris’s Kandidat Anhänger und Anhängerinnen at Howard University attended the Federal Staaten with more Ergebnisse.

Jubel was a play on the Democratic Party’s “Swing State” live in Pennsylvania — or Fernsehsender was live on CNN’s Wahl party party. According to Harris’ information, this is something much worse.

Learn more, embody a narrator of the Democrats at Publikum. Erste schlechte Zahlen? “Das macht nichts.” Diese Wahl sei zu wichtig. “Ich danse, das Land steht auf dem Spiel”, sagte sie.

Donald Trump’s contract from the Republican Party turned into a better university at night. Harris was at first a family member and met with the Wahl party.