
Luxembourg: Control of Bahnhof Eskaliert – Polizisten at Krankenhaus

Luxembourg: Control of Bahnhof Eskaliert – Polizisten at Krankenhaus

There were two protocols regarding the Rebellion, controlled by the police at the Krankenhaus and one at the Bahnhofsviertel in Dienstagabend. Drei Männer assumes direct control of the Hauptbahnhof, so Polizei in any case, we think Beam can be operated in a non-cooperative manner.

«Einer der Männer lies in a Messer where Boden fell. More information that a hand beam and remaining motionless is required, schildert the Polizei of the Geschehen. Once again “one person allowed one person to do many things”.

Most of these controls are nothing more than Rebellion’s new gem protocols, in other words. Für drei Beamte, at first Checked at Krankenhaus, so Police Grand-Ducale abschließend.