
Robrock Qrevo Slim: Test, Saug-Wisch-Roboter, flach, Preis

Robrock Qrevo Slim: Test, Saug-Wisch-Roboter, flach, Preis

Bei Möbeln und Wenig Bodenfreiheit heißt es für viele Saug-Wisch-Roboter “leider draußen bleiben”. I’m considering doing everything with 10 Zentimeter Bauhöhe in one device with a Kommode or a Heizkörper. Roborock became the best Zentimeter geschrumpft of Qrevo Slim. Putzalltag was brought in and Flachmann turned out to be an extremely good Test performer.

Want to navigate the Laserturm? Klappt trotzdem

Functions as part of Zuletzt erschienenen with Roborock Qrevo Curve Beworben, I test so many things or Türschwelle überwinden konnte. This is the Verkaufsargument für den Qrevo Slim: seine schlanken Maße. 8,2 Zentimeter Bauhöhe passed under a large number of Kommode and entered under Heizkörpern, thus Konkurrenz vorzeitig abdrehen muss.

Grund: A modern LiDAR Sensor Navigation combines for a Laserturm sitzt and another 360 Grad-Rundumblick sorting. Qrevo Slim has found practical applications regarding Laser Navigation and Board: An RGB-Camera, an Infrared sensor and two Front Lasers together with the Roboter make for a better Laser Scanning.

Robrorck Qrevo Slim under Schrank management

8.2 Zentimetern causes Roboter to be very surprised, which is very bad and ridiculous.


Sensor Mix and Camera, Infrared and Ultraschall are used to test the Slim. Result: It’s always been very nice and very good, and it’s much easier with a Pirouette and a Rundumblick. The taste of dafür is very different in Teppichkanten entlang und ließ nichts aus. Much better than Flachen Möbeln or Fahrten below Heizkörpern. The Slim uses LED lighting automatically, but never without touching it. “Tiefergelegten” Navigation: “Augen” sich schneller with Schmutz and Staub. This test concerned Subtle Problems in Navigation and Heimfahren in Sicht and Linsen gereinigt waren.

Robrorck Qrevo Slim, Gegenstand

You can use the objects later. With the small Gegenstände wie Cable most of the time nothing happened.


Roborock Qrevo Slim: Nothing has been done!

A Saug-Wisch-Roboter never has a Räume and Möbel kennen, but it needs every preparation. The Highest Level of Slim: Roboter with Schuhe and Socken’s big and solid build makes Robot better and makes it better. Der Hundehaufen (aus Plastik) did not dive anywhere. Bei Kleinkram differs from Slim’s new Ausweichmanöver with Kabeln or Schnürsenkeln.

Let Roborock be used at its best Mittelklasse Qrevo zoom in Guten Tone. Slim is expected to quickly reach 11,000 Pascals on Staub and Schmutz. Im Stresstest has a device worth 99 Gramm (100 grams) and took very little time. Zum Vergleich: Der Qrevo Curv schluckte trotz unschlagbarer 18.500 Pascal “nur” 98,2 Gramm.

Robrorck Qrevo Slim, as follows:

A Doppelwalze in Roboters Unterseite brought together Dreck von Teppich and Hartboden.


Geheimnis: Wie der Roborock S8 MaxV The Ultra is perfectly thin with a distinctive look. They sat in Schmutz with Gummirollen and Federation Gelagert and Drehen sich Gegeneinander, and also Teppich zu Kitzeln. In Walzen’s Aufhängung, Roborock integrated Rasierklingen. This is nowhere near Rollen Wickeln, of which there is very little in Staubbox. This test is one that never lasts long and according to Schnürsenkeln: Wickeln sie um die Rollen, kann es sein, dass der Slim und kurzerhand durchtrennt, um free Fahrt zu haben. Also in Lieber diegelebten Turnschuhe in Sicherheit Bringen!

Das Wischen: Auf Top-Niveau unterwegs

Auch beim Wischen geht der Slim has ans Werk. I’m testing how Wischer works against Druck and Schnellen against Fliesen. There is nothing in Frische and Glanz, but they come together with a flight and more Schmutz. Gelingt did not die with Anhieb, allowing Qrevo Slim to return once again and capture him. “Randlagen” macht der Qrevo Slim a picture: Die Seitenbürste vorne und der rechte Wischer implies that Roboter is in a bar, fizzy drinks and Kanten sauber werden.

Robrorck Qrevo Slim, Ecke

Der Roborock Qrevo Slim works with Roboterarmen, Seitenbürste (im Bild) and Wischer also appears in all Ecken kommen.


Multifunctions are no longer available

Das schlichte, kantige Dock bietet viele Annehmlichkeiten, die den Wartungs- ve Pflegeaufwand ve reduzieren. Staub absaugen, Wasser nachtanken, Wischer durchspülen und anschließend trocknen sind in dieser Preisklasse mittlerweile Standard. More Hygiene and better Geruch and Bacteria are hot at Frischwasser Station (blubbert ordentlich) at 60 Grad and in hot weather at Zotteln (deutlich hörbar). The Mini Wash at Park Schlitz has been restarted. Choose Wischpads and new wellness programs with Roboter.

Rocky’s Status on Alexa: Great Sprachsteuerung

The handy Roborock App is very stylish and very useful, allowing the best settings to be made as a correct migration path. We did a lot in automatic mode: along with the “Smart Plan” sensors and software options, there are also some changes when the device and the device are loaded or other methods are used in the “Schandflecke” application.

Robrorck Qrevo Slim, Application

A handy Roborock app provides a good board and power supply across all functions.


Roborocks Top-Saugern covers Bord with its latest, the “Rocky” Sprachassistent. Technik is a direct link to Roboter and shares Koppeln with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. In testing, things Rocky can use offline can be used to do much better and more.

Roborock Qrevo Slim: Test and Prices

Qrevo Slim is one of Roborock’s Premium Class Robots in Rennen. Seine Besonderheit: Lazer Turm came with a new Wabbelkurs Navigation – and also in Bauform, a quick Roboter of all Möbels and Heizkörpers died. Beim Saugen und Wischen leistet der Slim ganze Arbeit, auch in Ecken und an Kanten. For Staub and Wasser, the Dockingstation automatically receives less moisture in the Wünsche. Lediglich die Hinderniserkennung strauchelt bei kleinenständen. Kann of Konkurrent, says Roborock S8 MaxV Ultraeven better.
The price of the Roborock Qrevo Slim is normally 1,299 euros, which continues with an overnight Einführungspreis of 999 euros. More Days and Models You Find Big in the Day Saug-Wisch-Roboter-Test.