
US President Joe Biden criticized Donald Trump

US President Joe Biden criticized Donald Trump


AmericaJoe Biden managed to change policy

Joe Biden is considering Donald Trump as well as Mann in the 2020 siege. Für den 81-Jährigen dürfte das eine Demütigung sein.

Jonas Bucher
  • Joe Biden has to make a deal with Donald Trump to get through 2020.

  • A TV Duel had Biden excited, but he made no mention of the blood and glory of Kamala Harris.

  • Biden hoffte, das zu einen, doch nun endet seine politische Kararriere und iner demütigenden Niederlage.

US President Joe Biden has a plan for a moment that surprises us a lot. We had great success with a new Mann übergebeni in the 2020 siege. There is another painful thing to face with the facts: Donald Trump (78) entered the Weisse Haus.

In the TV Duel, Trump invited Biden to Überlegen, but made an offer to kandidieren about the pregnancy of Kamala Harris (60). This is what prevented Donald Trump from making a new move. The doch priestess persuaded Biden to create a new super world war, as Harris persuaded Trump – without changing Mann’s style and style of politics.

The TV-Duel took place when Donald Trump met with Joe Biden in Debakel.

The TV-Duel took place when Donald Trump met with Joe Biden in Debakel.


Trump got a world map

Diese Niederlage passes through 81-Jährigen schwer treffen. Ironically, this is a big deal: Trump is a world that has always been under siege, with a much stronger form of cooperation, as a better form of cooperation.

In 2021, Biden did something in Schuerigen Bedingungen: Trump violated Wahl and Sturm was violated by Welt’s Kapitol. Biden hatte gehofft, das Land aus dieser Krise führen zu können, die time Spaltung zu überwinden ve den Bürgerinnen ve Bürgern wieder Vertrauen in ihre Demokratie zu pregnant. For Biden, once again, he dies while doing politics. Für den Vollblutpolitiker once again experienced gender loss.

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