
Biden thanked Trump – Treffen im Weißen Haus

Biden thanked Trump – Treffen im Weißen Haus

Nothing came from US President Biden’s phone. Republican Trump is a tough politician Gegner. I didn’t accept Biden next time.

US President Joe Biden congratulated Republican Donald Trump and welcomed him to Weiße Haus. Biden had Weiße Haus design a free phone. Biden habe dabei seinen Einsatz für einen “reibungslosen Übergang” an der Staatsspitze zugesagt und concrete, dass es wichtig sei, “das Land zusammenzuführen”. This was a “final contract” for a Treffen with Trump at the Weißen Haus.

Regierungszentrale said Biden is with Donnerstag and with the Nation. At 81, the Democratic Party Brings in the New Year for Kamala Harris. This is a well-known democratic practice that is considered a “historical Wahlkampf” for free.

Bei der Wahl appeared in 60-Jährige ein Debakel. 78 years later, Former President Trump faced a new siege. For some time now I have been having great success with Harris’s Kandidat from Rennen for the fierce Kritik and Weiße Haus zurückgezogen and Weg.