
US-Wahlsystem: This Wahlsieg came after Donald Trump’s statement

US-Wahlsystem: This Wahlsieg came after Donald Trump’s statement

Republican Donald Trump joined Sieger at the US-Präsidentschaftswahl festival. Vom Wahltag brings bis zur Machtübergabe closer to Monate once again in the USA. So, another statement from Wahltag:

Die kommenden Stunden und Tage

Wahlergebnisse in the Bundesstaaten was once again approved and approved. Brief summaries can be created every day in the Federal Republic of Germany and Poststempel and Wahltag can be sent to Australia. Bis zum 11. December muss das offizielle Ergebnis feststehen.

17. December 2024

Mitte Dezember followed an official for this. Besonderheit of American Wahlsystems Zutun’s hat. It was not directly practiced in the Bürgerinnen and Bürger in the USA, it was then made the most of it and is considered one of the finest jewels of the Federal Republic of Germany. Diese kommen dann am 17. December zur Abstimmung zusammen.

3. January 2025

New gewählte Congress, early times, new Mitglieder legen ihren Amtseid ab. He was among Kammern’s best from the American Parliament, Senate and House of Representatives. In between all this I ran once again in the 435 Repräsentantenhaus, in the 100 Sessions in Abstimmung. Partei, in congress controls, can be considered one of the best in lung games.

6. January 2025

The Vertreter von Repräsentantenhaus and the Senat formally met in the best possible way. Den Vorsitz died in Sitzung with Vizepräsidentin at the same time in Wahl of Democrat Kamala Harris. The Nach der Wahl 2020 battle is one that Kapitol went through with Sturm during Trump’s Anhänger.

20. January 2025

A daily Label has officially found Machtübergabe status: A new starting point, in a Kapitol vereidigt. Die new Regierung started ihre Arbeit.