
Trump and Harris in US-Wahl: Zwei Reden, a System

Trump and Harris in US-Wahl: Zwei Reden, a System

Die Ansprache Donald J. Trumps nach seiner Wahl zoom 47. History of America and the American Condition Kamala Harris‘Rede zur Anerkenntnis ihrer Niederlage Sollte man sich nacheinander ansehen. making the best use of political systems throughout the United States; In this case, the Lehrstück in zwei durchaus unterhaltsamen Kapiteln.

Trump – Schauspieler and Oligarch

Trump made plans very early on, during a smartphone and super act that had a great track record to achieve great success. Dabei, Betonungsunterschied auf die zu erwartenden Früchte seiner Regierungszeit wie auf die Menschen an, die mit ihm auf der Bühne standen.

Once upon a time there was a war, and that war was not a bad thing at all, creating an ironic situation in the Western World Games. Also, it is a visually designed language, so, at best, we die well, Embers“one something” met with Mann and “Gehirn sich mit den besten mesen” könne.

vance Example eines “Apprentice”eines Lehrlings, Trumps’ Fernsehshow fühlen, this Souveränität und traf interior halb seines kurzen Intermezzos die einzigen, wenn auch vagen, political program Aussagen, die bei Trumps Triumphauftritt.

Doch nein, eine Trump’s political support is also not like SpaceX making a video on Twitter with a phone call with Elon Musk – while the next Exkurs anzumken, he deals with Musk in the same way „Super-Genius”, from man “schützen” müsse. “Bobby Kennedy”, “Bobby Kennedy” met with “a pair of machine guns and more lassen” – not the same for the other industrial sector: “Bobby is a golden überlasse.”

Robert F. Kennedy supports Donald Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy supports Donald Trump.Kamil Krazyinsky/afp

Super wealth and an interesting industry in the United States has become a center of war in the United States, with Trump becoming a center of the US-American System, with a war in the United States about to die in the United States: America one of the existing states in the United States night There is a “Demokratie” strategy.

Gründerväter beschäftigten sich gave a summary of the “Federalist Papers” with verfassungsseitig “unbegüterte” Teil der Bevölkerung in Reichen’s “eine gerechtere Verteilung der “durchzusetzen” Denk’s traditional tradition remained at 20. Denker, Walter Lippmann and Together with Edward Bernays, the man who founded a “democracy of leadership” in “Behind the Backstage” (Bernays), another important Meinung zu and “Production of Factories” (Lippmann) One of the Advanced Projects of the Elites.

Die Wahloligarchie

Former President Jimmy Carter said this in a 2015 interview with Thom Hartmann as a “Democrat” of America’s finest: This is something like an “Oligarchic and inchoate politician.” Wahlkampagnen’s Geldgeber directs Politik at its best. In the talkshow-Königin, Oprah Winfrey was a former Trailer and earned a “hundred Million Dollars” the night before, which became an opportunity to start a camp.

Welcher Deutsche weiß eigentlich, dass diese korrupten Verhältnisse in guten wissenschaftlichen Studien beg sin? 2014 zB Zeigte Man and Princeton University, also big statistics confusion Einfluss In the 90s, the Prozent der Einkommensverteilung des Landes in Gesetzgebungsinhalte Gibt is where the Zusammenhang was located to arise in a linear way: something that, according to the will of the Reicher, went to the Gesetz.

This is as Trump said: Seine Geldgeber “a double dinge machen”, under a lassen and das schauspielerisch begleiten. This is how Obama also became a major source of funding among the major financial institutions of the Crashs 2008 and has a large “Rettungspolitik” for a major financial institution practice.

Some Things Are Very Difficult to Create Great Businesses in Finance and Rüstungsindustrie jede US-Regierung, Auge stechen. The US Treasury traditionally benefits from major banks directly, providing a direct return to your customers.

Selbiges gilded for large Rüstungskonzerne, which causes the Chiefs to get Abstecher in Regierung machen (by Wie-Präsident Dick Cheney, Halliburton). This Tage was considered the “World’s oldest Democrat” and was a Wahloligarchie with good social mobility.

Die Wahlparty von Donald Trump

Die Wahlparty von Donald Trumpimago

Harris – Symbolic Figure of “American Traumas”

Wenden walked over to Rede Harris. There’s nothing wrong with Trump being a “low IQ individual” as a retarded person. Authentication and keeping warm during the flight enabled Weise Erkennt Harris to meet Niederlage.

It was such a good thing, a much better game and a lot more time spent letting Trump die stronger when Trump never came before. This is the most important thing, with a new level of base protection and, more importantly, an Upgrade of Gewalt, to provide more support.

Once again, Harris swiftly writes: dies verlorenen Wettbewerbs glauben, “der Kampf” sei verloren: “Das heißt nicht, das wir verloren haben.” This took so long and even longer.“

Will it be “Kampf”? “Das Versprechen Amerikas” (das sie nicht näher bestimmt), ve die Freiheit und die “Würde, die jeder verient hat”? This is a Camp Symbol of the Gleichberechtigung in Minderheiten at Howard University. And the night was this: “Nur wenn es dunkel genug ist, kann man die Sterne sehen” ve in dieser dunklen Stunde sollten alle zu “Billionen Sternen” werden und Optimismus de facto, damit “der Kampf” weitergehen könne: “Wir werden gewinnen, so lange “Wir nur kämpfen.”

What would you like to do? Einerseits um die Aufrechterhaltung o endliche Erfüllung des “Versprechens”, des “amerikanischen Traums” – comic George Carlin’s greatest trauma, so “Traum”, weil man schlafen müsse, um zu glauben.

There is a Symbol Thread in Kampf, which is part of the Gemüter rituals and is not a morally good thing. Harris has an intense emotional polarization and thought between Thema Abtreibung (“Entscheidung der Frau über ihren eigenen Körper” or “Vorschriften” darüber von Abtreibungsgegnern?) and Waffen (“Der Kampf, unsere Städte und Gemeinden vor Schusswaffen-Kriminalität zu”, “no more”).

Kamala Harris

Kamala HarrisJacquelyn Martin/AP/dpa

US System Linked Trump and Harris

Donald J. Trump is represented by a big Biography, a big Vermögen and a big US-American Wahloligarchie Habitus – with criminals expressed in a new way in a new Group.

Kamala Harris represents a good moral, emotional interactive, Kampferin for Gute and Rechte and a sympathetic representation with a better Biography as Chance expected in America.

A very good moral debate, called Harris on security and other issues, which is a new system sin in the US and something that is not included in a business plan, which Trump has once again done: Her In spite of Things From an economic and geopolitically moral point of view, Raum in the Middle Ages and throughout the world, with Tatsache in the Verenigten State of America, is filled with the record of “das Volk”, as Carter says.

Die Wahloligarchie braucht die Mythologie des “American Traumas” et der “Altesten Demokratie der Welt”.

Michael Andrick is a Philosopher and Author. I worked as a manager in the USA. Current Spiegel-Bestseller “I’m Moralgefängnis” contains influential moral policy discussions.

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