
Leipziger Festival took place in Iran-Doppel

Leipziger Festival took place in Iran-Doppel

Leipzig. Zeitgenössischer Tanz, Sina Saberi einem fürs Programmheft geführten Interview, sei im Iran nicht verboten. This is located in a Grauzone area. Entwicklungslinien und gekappt. Der Tanzer and the Choreographer is a way to freely personally create the “Foundation of Being”. Entwickelt takes part as a project on the European stage at the K3 – Choreography Center in Hamburg, together with Stück and Mittwoch at Lofft. Das Publikum, i.e. der Erzählerische Rahmen, followed an Einladung and a Hausparty in Tehran.

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Saberi kannte Tanz von Familienfesten, zeitgenössischer Tanz blieb ihm lange verborgen. In Spannungsfeld there is such a simple creation with a simple repertoire of Bewegungs. There is a much better Tanzerinnen and Tanzern in Begegnung. And a special video is a family festival, which is a children’s entertainment for him. Bezüge zum eigenen Weg zum Tanz, so it exploded in geschaffenen Assoziationsraum auf. He saved the new Körper from Folgen from the Verschwinden of Tanz-Szene. Leerstellen and Längen were given up in an Inszenierung, with a versatile Hausparty found the best and most optimistic Schluss of all Tänzern.

Reduzierte Schrittfolgen from Elektrobeat

Wer anschließend den Weg in die Schaubühne einschlägt, gerät dort in einen tranceartigen Sog. Electrobeat was hammer operated. There are many more Tanzfläche and different Ballsaal between the two Tanzers and Tanzers, with the millimeter-reduced rhythm rhythm. Communication was not carried out well for a long period of time, but nothing was ever done. Quickly Himmelskörper auf Ihrer Bahn, die zu stehen scheinen und doch stetig ihren Weg zurücklegen.

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Das Tanzstück "Shiraz" von Armin Hokmi joins the 2024 European stage

Das Tanzstück “Shiraz” von Armin Hokmi will take part in the European stage in 2024

“Shiraz” came from Armin Hokmi’s Stück. We also draw on Lofft’s Iran and the Islamic Revolution in Bezugspunkt. Inspiring a business to survive through cultural evolution is deeply personal. The legendary Shiraz Arts Festival in the city center during the 1979 Revolution. Hokmi is an Associated Artist of Montpellier Danse and did not participate in the Festival. From the Mythos des Ortes, traditionally Western Künsts with Bob Wilson or Karl-Heinz Stockhausen in the African and Asian trade, very impressive. This different Utopia has an important Choreography.

We are exactly at Uhrwerk

However, these characteristics continue as always. Developing Communication – Blicke, everything strongly Bewegungssprache und Wie sich Körper zueinander together in Beziehung, bringing Grenze zwischen Tanz und Installation zum Schweben.

It is a very good thing in the field of music, a musical repertoire in the tradition of a futuristic Beat Bruchstücke, which has a less old repertoire combined with a traditional repertoire. Derweil schnurrt die Choreografie rhythmic ab, precisely in Uhrwerk. Handwerklich is a hypnotist, a hypnotist, once again in Bann, a person from Shiraz, fascinatingly with the Ort and Utopia of Shiraz.

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Die Körperlichkeit des Tanzes, Uraufführung “Haustrum Haustorium” zum Auftakt des Abends, Lofft in collaboration with Bühne gebracht. The Post-Organic Bauplan Group met with the Schnittstelle von Körper and Maschine of Körper and Maschine with a post-humanist approach and met with Prothesen. A lot of things come with a software development experience in a wide range of fields. The 30-minute Begegnung eines Roboters work with High-Performance Robots and Mechanisms, including Mensch and Maschine. Therefore, plan quickly in Behauptung von Interaktion and in a metaphorical Bild stecken zu bleiben.

Information: On the European stage in Leipzig, there was “Harmonia” (17.30 Uhr at TDJW) and “R.OSA” by Silvia Gribaudi (20 Uhr, Schauspiel Leipzig). Beide Stücke beschäftigen sich auf unterschiedliche Weise mit korperlicher Vielfalt im Tanz. Außerdem, Westflügel das Kinderstück “Au jardin de Potiniers” von heute bis Sonntag zu sehen. Card phone: 0341 2171648. Full program