
ZF CentriX: 90 Nm Compacter E-Bike Motor in Leicht format

ZF CentriX: 90 Nm Compacter E-Bike Motor in Leicht format

Das Bike Eco System is the new E-Bike-Antriebssystem from ZF.

(ZF)Das Bike Eco System is the new E-Bike-Antriebssystem from ZF.

Autozulieferer ZF is designed with the “ZF Bike Eco System” in the 48-Volt-Antriebs system for e-bikes. Herzstück has a compact and powerful structure with a “CentriX” Motor with a torque of 90 Newton meters with a power of 600 Watts and a weight of 2.5 Kilograms. The new E-Bikes will be available for sale in Ladin in 2025, along with the new Antriebs system.

ZF Bicycle Eco-System with CentriX-Motor: Neuer leistungsstarker E-Bike-Antrieb

Bereits im Mai Angekundigt, Stellte ZF uses new Antriebssystem auf der Fahrradmesse Eurobike vor, die Anfang Juli 2024, Frankfurt stattfand. Transition of the entire “ZF Bicycle Ecosystem” E-Bike Type Und sich leichter montieren lassen als herkömmliche Antriebe.

My System Center consists of the “CentriX”, a compact Mittelmotor with a weight of 2.5 kg and a Drehmoment biet of 90 Newton metres. ZF has massively fed the Engine with 0.33 Liter Dosage and made it compatible in an extremely simple way. Damit is der CentriX trotz hoher Leistung more compact and inadequate Als viele Mittelmotoren auf dem Markt.

Abgestimmt auf den Einsatzbereich Gibt es den Engine at Zwei Leistungsstufen: CentriX’s Drehment of 90 to 90 Newton meters and a maximum Leistung of 600 Watts are ideal for Mountain, Trekking or SUV Bikes. The CentriX had a power of 75, a Drehmoment of 75 Newtonmeters and a maximum power of 450 Watts and was the highest power for Gravel or Citybikes. Varianten has a wide range of E-Bikes and has a 250 Watt power supply.

The compact CentriX-Engine is also a big win.

(ZF)The compact CentriX-Engine is also a big win.

Zwei Batteriekapazitäten

ZF has integrated Akku with a 48 Volt Power Supply in the E-Bikes Unterrohr. A Bedarf Mentioned Battery Shutdown with an Option 504 or 765 WattstundeN. System Management is combined with the “ZF Core Controller” or 2,8-Zoll-Touch-Screen-Display in Lenker.

Use Core Controller for Smartphones or Other Devices. An App is available via Bluetooth connection, you can use all the data on your smartphone. You can use Lenker Screen along with Application, Navigation and Expansion features as optional components.

The “ZF Bicycle Eco-System” is a solution in which the Integration of ZF Components and Anbieter can be used flexibly, in an advanced package package. The new ZF-Antriebssystem and the old E-Bikes come together at the Markt kommen in 2025.