
Prämien und Marktanteil: Die größten Fondspolicen-Anbieter

Prämien und Marktanteil: Die größten Fondspolicen-Anbieter

2023, Battle of Eher Schlechtes for Fondspolicen-Anbieter: Wachstums sank in Beitragseinnahmen with Fondsgebundenen Lebensversicherungen for the first time in 2012. Here is the current one Assekurata-Study Its total volume reached 2.7 billion Euros to 25.35 Billion Euros.

Dieser Rückgang Opens Vorjahren’s Contrast: 2022, 5 New Branch of Plus with Prozent Verbuchen, 2021 on a beach from Wachstum to 22 Prozent. There is also a current attempt to reliably analyze the Zinsumfeld according to Kapitalmärkten and Unsicherheiten. Viele Anleger offers more for alternative Anlageformen.

Rückgang ensured that the Fondspolicen took part in all kinds of Lebensversicherungsbranche: In its entirety, Spartak went bankrupt in Beytragseinnahmen in 2023 for up to 4 Billion Euros. Dieser Rückgang looks like them all schwächeren Einmalbeitragsgeschäft Geschuldet, Während sich die laufenden Beiträge stable entwickelten.

Warnings from Fondspolicen-Markt gespalten: Negativ ausfällt negativity has led 47 to take further security measures.

Generali überholt Allianz

His generali was in the Beitragswachstum with 3 Prozent Positions in the Fondspolicen-Geschäft erobert in 2023. Allianz (17 Prozent) has a Brand of 18 Procent. Allianz should quickly take part in 13 Prozent Verkraften – das Entspricht and 2 Prozent des Gesamten Marktes für Fondsgebundene Lebensversicherungen in the Fondspolice-Geschäft in other Lebensversicherungssegmenten 2023. Platz was followed by Zurich-Group and 7 Prozent Brands.

New products, in general, refer to innovations related to new products: The new Angebot “Vermögensaufbau4you”, which is a wealth of people with a flexible and flexible structure, a Wachstum beigetragen haben. In the Zurich Group, in a trip to 6th place, we managed to create a new Engagement against Garanti Bank.

Strikingly notable brands: Top 10 Top 10 and More than 64 Police Departments. Die Zusammensetzung dieser Spitzengruppe blieb im Vergleich zum Vorjahr unverändert, auch wenn sich İçhalb der Gruppe deutliche Verschiebungen zeigen.



Württembergische, Hannoversche and Signal Iduna are explained very clearly

Another branch concerned all small schools in the Fondspolicen-Segment in 2023. Among those available in the Württembergische are: Quickly 50 Prozent Gelange and a Beitragsplus with a trademarked product.

Wachstum needs to be seen once again in Hanover. After a new Niveau – A market share of at least 0.1 points is achieved in 2022 – regarding the Beitragseinnahmen to gain more efficiency. Additionally, Signal Iduna has undergone a change in Markttrend and increased further in Fondspolicen-Geschäft.


Allianz met with big brands

I have to have a bigger Federn account. Allianz failed to come back with an extremely good score of minus 1.4 points against Bayern Munich. WWK costs 0.5.
