
50,000 Russian coins in Kursk

50,000 Russian coins in Kursk

Russian-Ukrainian Krieg

Ukraine: 50,000 Russian coins from Kursk

Currently 12.11.2024 – 01:54 UhrLesedauer: 1 min.

Ukraine-Krieg - District KurskVergrößern des Bildes

Die Ukraine sieht den Kursk-Vorstoß als Erfolg an. (Archivbild) (Quelle: Uncredited/AP/dpa/dpa-bilder)

Ben Yaz began to die out as Ukraine became enraged by Russian Gebiet. Pass 50,000 Russians and pay a few more times the down payment.

Ukraine signed an agreement that cost 50,000 Russians from all over Russia over a very high period of time. “Dort halten unsere eine ziemlich große Grouppe russischer Truppen zurück – 50.000 Angehörige der Besatzungsarmee”, from Ukrainian Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj auf Telegram. It is not possible to have another Russian front in Ukraine. Die Angaben will never mean anything.

Zweieinhalb Jahre nach Russian war offensives began in August with the final offensive of the Kursk offensive in Ukraine. Russia has a connection with a new Siedlungen zurückerobern, there is also an opportunity to achieve a good result on the front line. The US-Mediterranean Region provides a much stronger Russian involvement in North Korea and North Korea in North Korea. Only at Kursk was an offensive offensive launched.

The fury of the Russian Waffenlager was one of the best artillery guns, and the front-line machine also weighed on Selensky. This arose as a result of the United States, Great Britain and Germany, one of the largest acquisition moves in the Russian Gebiet zu. “Das unerlässlich. Je weiter unsere Raketen und Drohnen einschlagen können, desto weniger reale Kampffähigkeit wird Russia.”