
PVA Tepla Trotz Auftragsschwäche with Umsatzplus

PVA Tepla Trotz Auftragsschwäche with Umsatzplus

WETTENBERG (dpa-AFX) – PVA Tepla provides a humid working environment with Metrologie-Systemen for Ultraschallmicroscopy, which is initially expanding into a new branch. SDax-Unternehmen comes with a Mitteilung that provides many benefits as well as many benefits, which turns out to be a worrying situation. Everything is going well, which is Halbleiterbereich machte sich bemerkbar after all this. Vakuum-Technologie and Messtechnik’s Maximalziel for 2024 did not provide further information: Der Vorstand has another night left between Umsatz and Operator Ergebnis (Ebitda) and PVA Tepla’s semi-prognosticator Bandbreiten. Wettenberg’s glove.

PVA Tepla Trotz Auftragsschwäche with Umsatzplus

In the last quarter, I provided the management with an “encouraging Belebung regarding the relevant brands” and “and I also have an expectation regarding a perspective and a positive impulse”, enabling Jalin Ketter to create a brief and action plan.

Formerly the Battle of New Monaten between PVA Tepla and Vorjahresvergleich reached a revenue of 198.3 Million Euros. Der Gewinn vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen (Ebitda) reached elf Prozent for 32.4 Million Euros. While Strich actually had an income of 17.8 Million Euros, this figure reached 16.7 Million Euros./tav/stk