
Ascension to the Final, das sind die Sieger

Ascension to the Final, das sind die Sieger

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The Rise of “Sommerhaus” – Finale: RTL muss eingreifen

12.11.2024 – 23:35 AhLesedauer: 2 min.

"Somerhaus der Stars": Zoff was rearranged on RTL-Show.Vergrößern des Bildes

“Das Somerhaus der Stars”: Zoff has a regelmäßig on the RTL Show. (Quelle: Right to left)

The Finale of the TV Show came back from Kandidaten so heavily that it is as an RTL-Mitarbeiter should be. Auch die “Sommerhaus”-Sieger Stehen Festival.

In September, I started with Staffel’s new RTL in the show “Das Somerhaus der Stars”. In this Format, promipaare wochenlang zusammen under a Dach and treten in Spielen gegeneinander. You were nominated and flew away, so I became the last of the festival to win 50,000 euros.

Die Sendung ist afürure, this is a much greater service. This way, we then dove into the water once more – this is much better, better and faster. Not that big of an increase, RTL needs to have the best cameras.

Vorfall appeared in the finale of the TV show, which is among the best of the RTL+ broadcasts and is supported by a linearly enhanced flow. Among the candidates nominated by Umut Tekin was another girlfriend, Emma Fernlund. Der Ex-“Bachelorette”-Teilnehmer war bereits in den vorangegangenen Folgen durch seine kurze Zündschnur aufgefallen. Another place is Rauswurf-Begründungen, closer to Zornausbrüche, but it is never possible to meet a friend.

Sam Dylan and his friend Rafi Rackek also have to make an RTL-Mitarbeiter dazwischengehen. In der Folge ist der Vorfall nicht richtig zu sehen, doch wie Rafi in seiner Instagram-Story schilderte, soll Umut ve Hals gepackt haben. The Realitystar has to partner with a new show every day. Best example of RTL “Bild”: “Es gab eine Auseinandersetzung im ‘Sommerhaus’, zu der vorsorglich Security hinzugezogen wurde.”

After a very good rise in Hintergrund, we gained a new cast in “Summer House of the Stars”: Sam Dylan and Rafi Rachek. The duo brought together Fußballer Lorik Bunjaku and his friend Denise Hersing. Sieg zum Sieg faced a great battle on another course in Ballebad and in one night, once again holding hands.

“Schatz, ich liebe dich”, Sam Dylan becomes a new business partner in Siegerpodest with a big offer of 50,000 euros. 33-Jährige competed alongside Flasche with Formel-1-Pilot, which took victory in the exhibition final in Bocholt-Barlo.