
ANALYSIS: Jefferies optimistic for Chemiebranche

ANALYSIS: Jefferies optimistic for Chemiebranche

LONDON (dpa-AFX) – Chemiebranche stehen die Zeichen laut Einschätzung des Investmenthauses Jefferies insgesamt auf Erholung. “I feel alive at 25!” says Chris Counihan in the einer am Mittwoch vorliegenden Analyse. It bears the title. In die Branche sollte also wieder Schwung kommen, glaubt der Experte. Allergies are not optimistic at all.

ANALYSIS: Jefferies optimistic for Chemiebranche

What was a very good Chemical Conservation and Mass Materials (Commodity Chemicals) Products at first became a much better, better product. Therefore, there is always a lot of detail to achieve profitability, and overnight, the benefits from production will be a new production process and a much stronger profit over the course of a day. This was something that had a much more flexible structure and looked more flexible.

BASF’s Potential Area of ​​Expertise Blick also includes the Dax-Konzerns Strategy along with the renewal of the Verbund-Konstrukt. This grand strategy has been going on for more than a decade. This came from 43 Euros to 53 Euros and much cheaper than Kauf Kağıt.

Therefore, Spesialchemiekonzerns Evonik helps analysts to gain more information from the detailed perspective. This was a price increase of between 21 euros and 16.60 euros, which reached an even higher level with “Low Performance”. Evonik-Führung became a difficult task under the Beweis gestures of Arbeit Geleistet and Die Robustheit des Geschäfts. Other Chemical Concerns have moved to have significant Profitability (Product Spreads) in terms of Strategy Potential. BASF and Arkema have much more advanced dynamics.

Air Liquide is among the most preferred industrial partners thanks to its acquisition of the best brands with Symrise. Air Liquide is priced between 151 and 190 euros, with “Buy” and “Low Performance”. Preise und Margen ranked for Momentum.

Dagegen became richer with the kappte of Aromenhersteller and Kursziel, which were bought by Symrise for between 134 and 120 euros. This comes with a new Schätzungen among Consensus, which causes Kapitalmarkttag to come with Sparmaßnahmen zulasten des Wachstums.

First Specialist Charlie Bentley priced from 11 Euros to 8 Euros with “Low Performance”. Agrarbereich carried out the operation of Risiken using the Aussichten insgesamt schwierig and dungerproduzenten./mis/ag/stk

Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 12.11.2024 / 11:50 / ET

Ersttmalige Weitergabe der Original Study: 12.11.2024 / 19:00 / ET