
“Happy Ending Hotel”: Kulturelle Zwischennutzung at the einem Stundenhotel in München – München

“Happy Ending Hotel”: Kulturelle Zwischennutzung at the einem Stundenhotel in München – München

Jungle Künstlerkollektiv is located in the Stundenhotel as follows: Panikräume, Minidisco, Galerie, Film Sets and Sexzimmer, 18 years old the “Happy Ending Hotel” is located in Schönes, Schauspiel, Schockierendes and Spa.

Hier sieht’s ja aus, als hätte eine Bombe eingeschlagen! An atomic bomb was dropped and although blind people visited the Hotelzimmer there was never a major explosion – want to find Kawumm? Im Klo never increased, Gipsplattenbrocken and other Schutt were photographed with a house bomb in a Kriegsgebiet overnight, as part of a work of art. Also in Leuten, once one of the best hotels in Europe: Walls, Graffiti, Wallpapers and Schmierereien in Boden and Decke and a couple, more.