
So sell Trump’s Team

So sell Trump’s Team

Machtwechsel in the USA

TV-Mann, Milliardär, Radikale: Soll Trumps Team aussehen

Update 14.11.2024 – 04:00 UhrLesedauer: 5 min.

Trump will lead Senator Rubio zum Außenminister machenVergrößern des Bildes

Marco Rubio sells Außenminister werden. (Archivbild) (Quelle: Evan Vucci/AP/dpa/dpa-bilder)

Trump found a way to go somewhere else. Dabei spielen Fernsehtauglichkeit, stramme Gefolgschaft und Geld eine Rolle. Was Sagen the hat in Washington bald?

Donald Trump’s Regierungsmannschaft is associated with Gestalt. At Schneller Folge, the design of Records and BeraterPosten, one of the leading candidates in the USA, was carried out. There is something that was once one of the best in the Senate. Trump gave up a caucus in Parliament and once again managed to get into parliament once again.

Click once on the Misnomers List: Trump loyalist qualification plan and for a new post by Kandidaten. Did Trump need other mail from Kabinett, Draw and Weißen Haus? Oh Überblick!

Fox-News-Moderator Pete Hegseth did well once again during a hearing in the US Senate as a politician in Minnesota, saying the Pentagon is one of the best ministers in the United States. “Alle sind einfach scockiert” is the name of a sender from CNN’s Verteidigungsministeriums Vertreter. Trump launched military operations by veterans in Iraq and Afghanistan. 44-Jährige is one of the most important narrators of the “America First” Policy. Mit ihm an der Spitze seien ” Amerikas Feinde gewarnt”. He is also a good choice for Moderator and Author of Hegseth’s Veteranen Eingesetzt. Zur Rolle von Frauen im Militär sagte Hegseth, diese seien in Kampfeinsätzen nicht zu gebrauchen.

Ultraradical Congressessabgeordnete Matt Gaetz, Justizmister Werden – ve nach dem Willen Trumps “den schwer erschütterten Glauben und das Vertrauen der Amerikaner in das Justizmisterium wiederherstellen”. In 2017, after a 42-year term in the Repräsentantenhaus, Hardlinern was seen beating Trump on the party and three more times. Er, correct position, leichgeschlechtliche Ehe and verb regelmäßig Verschwörungstheorien. Gaetz gehört zu den Abgeordneten, Kevin McCarthy, representative of an extremely brave republican republican, was once another with a group of Streits from Hausalt. There is a triple civil war of rebellion.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio served as a minister in Florida. Trump used Jährigen, 53, as an “important boost” for the United States, a “collective friend” and “once again released Krieger for a fresh start”. Rubio ran for the U.S. Senate in 2011 and was succeeded by junior Jahren Karriere in politics. 2016 Versuchte der Ehrgeizige Jurist erfolglos, Präsidentschaftskandidat der Republikaner zu werden. This is something Trump is planning with his teenage daughters. Der Sohn Kubanischer did much better as the hervorgetan of Trump-Getreuer. Zuletzt caused massive militarization due to Russia’s hostility towards Ukraine.

Mit der Gouverneurin from South Dakota, Kristi Noem will make Trump a superhero in Heimatschutzministeriums plazieren. Dort speaks of a 52-Jährigeliche Rolle in which Trump plans “a major Abschiebe program in the American Geschichte.” This Holiday is Einwanderungs und Grenzschutzbehörden zstandig – and Trump has a large audience as a major priority. Noem War in Wahlkampf once again in Gespräch, Memoirs addressed in negative Schlagzeilen: Darin, Noem, as a young Cricket erschoss, we also did nothing. Später erklärte sie dies in Bereitschaft to strengthen entscheidungen.