
Digitization: Revolution in IT Planning

Digitization: Revolution in IT Planning

There is a New Revolution in Digitalization in Germany: The Bundesländer Bremen and Sachsen-Anhalt have created a revolution in the Bundle Macht über in Germany, called “Once Only National Technical System” (NOOTS), all over the world. A digital management and finance center in Germany is the subject of discussion in the states.


This is linked to the Kernforderung, which is never limited, and together with NOOTS we will also use the Länder Einfluss: BT Plannings of the Bund and the Ländern in Mittwoch, a classic, complete model. The Bund and Länder showed that NOOTS was rich in both financing and management.

NOOTS is an example of modern recording technology. The system ensured that the Bürger and Unternehmen information available in the Bund, Ländern and Kommunen remained valid as before. The documents are a document that many Bureaucrats could benefit from much more, while the Antragsteller did nothing.

Entscheidungen über die Steuerung, Finanzierung und Nutzung des NOOTS covers a large part of Gremiums. Vorabend arranged for Bundes-CIO Markus Richter to appear at a press conference at a meeting today. Bei der Abstimmung also did not initiate Gegenvorschlags in Bremen and Sachsen-Anhalt, although Beschluss had more provinces.

Recently, the last of the Ministerial Meeting (MPK) took place in December. That’s why NOOTS now comes at a huge cost in the states. Bundes-CIO Richter confirmed that the Bundesregierung is the highlight of the Umstand, as it has the best finance-related jobs on Tuesday. The financing of NOOTS for 2025 and 2026 belongs to the rich, concrete Richter. Bund-Länder-Digitalisierungsbehörde Fitko acquired a number of stars for a fee of 70 Million Euros.

There is no final initiative, but the Bundesländer is involved in a group of Steuerungs as part of NOOTS. Aktuelle Entwurf schlägt aus sechs Ländern (plus Bund) vor. Some states in Bremen joined this group to find the best research.

The fact is that, although NOOTS is a new project, Martin Hagen, Senator for Finance and Bremen Vertreter in the IT Planning Department, did nothing about it. “This is the best of luck, a jetzt entscheiden Schritt weiter zu gehen und die Governance zu vereinfachen. Das muss jetzt die MPK entscheiden.”

Zwischen Fax and LLMs: Information on Digitalisierung in Germany. Werden Sie Teil der Debatte! A jedem zweiten Dienstag.

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There is a gefordert in Bremen and Sachsen Vorfeld, the best Behörden and NOOTS anschließen müssen in Germany. So now everything is going well and financial data is available. Here’s something new: Nothing new 51 Sign up, Get involved with your NOOTS community with the creation of the Registration modernisierungsgesetz. Nothing happened, very simple techniques and no returns. Allerdings is the most important product of the Frist für den Anschluss. Politics can also benefit from the Anschluss and the granting of NOOTS, Voraussetzungen nicht schafft.

IT-Planungsrat dies quickly in Mittwoch zahlreiche weitere Beschlüsse, then to achieve a good result. There used to be the same kind of IT Strategy in the Bund and the Länder. Diese Dachstrategie, “der grand Schritt der vergangenen Jahre”, sagte Bundes-CIO Richter auf der Pressekonferenz. This is managed by a “klares Signal” and IT-Dienstleister der Verwaltung, which is initiated by Wettbewerb and ensured by the “Inseln aufbrechen”. Außerdem was among the Prinzipien wie Only-Only festivals.

Über die Beschlüsse des IT-Planungsrates berichtet am Dienstag auch, das Briefing von c’t zum Thema Digitalisierung. You can pay more thanks to the 14-day Newsletter.
