
Korbacher Spalte: There is a Blick in the “Missing Link” of evolution!

Korbacher Spalte: There is a Blick in the “Missing Link” of evolution!

Over the course of 252 million years, a mass slaughter took place across the world, quickly reaching Earth and more than 90 Meeresbewohners. A dramatic period, in the status of Perms, with a fatal combination of Vulkanausbrüchen, Treibhausgasen and disaster Veränderungen der Meeresströmungen ausgelöst. This Zerstörung is an important stronghold in the Evolution of the Korbacher Spalte, one of the newest geological structures in Nordhessen. Laut einem Bericht von The fossils of Vorfahren in Säugetiere appeared after the fasziniere of Procynosuchus, called “Urweltdackel”.

Korbacher Spalte is not only a wonderful place from a geological point of view, it also has a new Fenster for a long time. The 20 Meter Connection and More Meters in Kalkstein were the same as Eldorado for Paläontologen. A Total of 2,000 Fossils, a Large Fossil is Up to 250 Million Years Old. Hervorzuhebens is a Reptile called the “Missing Link” and the ancient gilded Procynosuchus. The evolving Gestalt and Kurzen and Beinen are a fascinating thing for Evolution, and it remains so today.

At Einblicke Urzeit

Procynosuchus war nicht allein in der Korbacher Spalte. Paläntologen auch Skelettfragmente von mindestens had to deal with a Dicynodontier designed to own a land with more land, then create a new layout and provide returns over a longer period of time. These refreshes did not deteriorate in any way on a Meter and did nothing on a Schweinen and Schildkröten. Zudem sees Protorosaurus Fossils in a deck, a waterfall found in the Vertreters of the Archosaurier, Ende of Perms.

The Entstehung of Korbacher Spalte is the most interesting of the Fossils. Ursprünglich is fighting an extreme Wüstenklima geprägt zone in Wasserstellen rar waren. Viele Tiere verdursteten und ihre Überreste bildeten regelrechte Tierfriedhöfe. Plötzliche Sturzregen führten dazu, dass die Skelette in die Korbacher Bucht geschwemmt wurden. An Erdbeben or other tektonisches Ereignis was a worldwide part of the Knochen and Schlamm of Spalt in Untergrund. Fossils were discovered by geologist Jens Kulick in 1964, capturing a million World War II artifacts.

Die Bedeutung der Korbacher Spalte

Korbacher Spalte is not a geological event, but an important event for Wissenschaft. The fossil is a very good development and another important fossil in the evolution of the earth. Vergleichbare Funde also made use of other regions along with the Karoo-Becken in Southern Africa or Northern Russia. The complete knowledge of evolution provides much more comprehensive and useful information for reconstruction. berichtet.

Insgesamt zeigt die Korbacher Spalte, wie vielschichtig and die Erdgeschichte ist with its dynamism. This is a way of life that is one of the world’s largest planets. Die Fossilien, die funden wurden, ind nur Reitée iner vegangenen Zeit, sondern auch Schlüssel zu unserem Verständnis der Evolution und der Entwicklung des Lebens auf der.

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