
Spanien: brand fordert mindestens zehn Menschenleben in Seniorenheim

Spanien: brand fordert mindestens zehn Menschenleben in Seniorenheim

Mindestens, as a Menschen and a Senior Brand, is a brand among the best in the world, at the Saragossa Stadt of Nordosten Spaniens. We both met with the Staatlichen Rundfunksenders Reporter of the RTVE in the Freitagmorgen of Unglücks, in the Heim in Villafranca de Ebro in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, in the Kritischem in Zustand, in the Freitagmorgen of Unglücks.

Das Feuer brach demnach aus bisher unbekannten Greğen gegen 5 Uhr aus. Zum Zeitpunkt des Brandes says that 82 Bewohner was in the Heim, as the Reporter later said. There is something Personal among the unknowns. Works at Feuerwehr, Polizei, Arzte and Psychologen Einsatz.