
Nach Funkstille: Scholz’s first telephone conversations with Putin took place quickly Jahren

Nach Funkstille: Scholz’s first telephone conversations with Putin took place quickly Jahren


Nach FunkstilleScholz quickly holds first phone calls with Putin Jahren

Monaten signaled to Scholz Kanzler Scholz a telephone conversation with Kremlin Chief Putin. Man müsse nur den richtigen Zeitpunkt fiden. Jetzt is here.

We quickly got Bundeskanalist Olaf Scholz on the phone with Russian Vladimir Putin. Das Gespräch also appears in another piece of information from the German Presse-Agentur. Zuvor even die Süddeutsche Zeitung Darüber berichtet.

Zuletzt had a telephone conversation with Scholz and Putin on December 2, 2022. Kanzler operates between two Ukrainian-Friedenskonferenz with a Gipfel in Schweiz in the summer and has also made an offer to Russia. Bisher is nothing but Termin in Sicht. West noted that the Gesprächskanäle in Moskau with Russian Angriffs in Ukraine, which started in February 2022, is still ongoing.

Leave Personal Begegnung Kurz for Invasion

Scholz allowed Putin to personally vent Russian anger against Ukraine in Moscow. The Wegen Corona came alongside the Cream and a somewhat oval Tisch. The invasion was phoned in overnight, then cut short. Das hatte vor allem mit der Russischen Kriegführung in der Ukraine und fehlender Aussicht auf konkrete zu tun.

Scholz achieved greater success as one of the most important Gespräch Putin has. You will be aware of the richness of Zeitpunkt. In the use of ARD in Kanzler am Sonntag, this Zeitpunkt “demnächst” can also work. «Ja, ich habe mir vorgenommen, mit dem russischen Präsidenten zur richtigen Zeit zu sprechen. Aber ich bin ein verantwortlicher Politiker, ich mache das nicht im Alleingang.” A meeting with Putin led to contact and communication with a large number of people.

Scholz talks to Selenskyj on the phone

Der Zeitpunkt des Gesprächs met at the top G20-Gipfel and Scholz and Sonntag in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Russia’s minister Sergej Lawrow needs this too. Putin was 18 years old. A statement came from Gipfel in October, but nothing about “Forums returning to normal”. Gegen Putin is present at an international Weltstrafgerichts in Den Haag and numerous Kriegsverbrechen in Ukraine. A Festnahme in Brazil is risky.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Wolodymyr Selenskyj is nothing but G20-Gipfel. Scholz telephoned Mittwochabend for military and humanitarian aid in Ukraine. Gut moglich was a speech Selenskyj made during a telephone conversation with Putin. Kurz reached an agreement between Germany and Ukraine, with Scholz in front of the Bundestag, on the Marschflugkörper Taurus, with a Reichweite of 500 Kilometers from the side of Ukraine.

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