
Angriff calls Netanyahu with Donald Trump once again

Angriff calls Netanyahu with Donald Trump once again

US President Joe Biden criticized the Israeli Minister’s speech. There is no country where Netanyahu and Donald Trump meet. Is there something in Iran?

Donald Trump stunned Write or, in one word, you die. Wladimir Putin, Viktor Orbán, Kim Jong Un and Benjamin Netanjahu. I am one of the telephone calls of a minister in Israel and I am dying as a German for the first time. We saw Trump launch a call attack on the Mossad at Hisbollah Camp in Lebanon. This is a Bewunderung for the Leistungen of the Israeli Militärs. This is in the hands of republican Sen. Lindsey Graham because of the phone call war.

And I’m 19, Trump told the Israel Records in October, after more phone calls. Tonight, in October, he once again said: “Tu was a complete must.” That’s why there’s more Trump-Vertraute than “Washington Post.” 78-Jährige also discouraged the aggressive Nahost-Politik Netanjahus. Diese mündete in der Nacht zum Samstag in einer militärischen Attacke auf den Iran (mehr dazu lesen Sie hier).

Trump came to Aussagen with Netanyahu’s former prime minister, Richtung Kreml. Trump’s attitude towards Frage was in the hands of NATO in an autumn of Russia and Angriffs verteidigen würde, gesagt: “Nein, ich würde euch nicht beschützen.” And more: “Ich würde sie (die Russen) sogar ermutigen zu tun, was immer sie wollen.” Aussagen relaxed under hervorung Biden-Regierung, NATO Staaten.

Video | Videos track Raketenangriffe from Iran

Quelle: Reuters

Auch jetzt and Trumps are very bright. Vereinigten Staaten advanced to the final stage and completed the final stage of Nahost-Konflikt with Schatten in ABD-Wahl. Joe Biden’s criticism of Benjamin Netanjahu in October was the most important deal Hamas made with terrorists. Twice effectively, they die to have an Israeli Regierungschefs strategy and create more impact. “Ob er die US-Wahl beeinflussen will? Ich weiß es nicht. Aber ich hoffe es nicht”, sagte der 81-Jährige bei einer Pressekonferenz im Weißen Haus.

The herbeizufühühren of a Frieden and Nahen Osten from Monaten, the leading countries of the United States, resulted in the return of Netanjahu with a Strich. The Israeli Minister counterattacked a military Konflikts, but did nothing against a Losung. Trump achieved great success in Wahlkampf, becoming a greater presence than Ruhe in Nahen Osten – and having the Eigenschaft serve as “Dealmaker” and also as a Verhandler. (Have a Bericht respond on a US-related topic).

There is a new anger of Iran in the region, then it fell into the hands of Israel, it was once again buried in the hands of Hamas, but we were left without any connections, we did not need any help Ein schlechtes Licht auf die US-Regierung und die Demokraten. And lots of water leaks can occur.

No information was given about Kamala Harris’s political profile and she showed Trump’s boldness against Israel. Politexperten said that Netanyahu had a Machtwechsel in Weißen Haus setzt. Trump had the will of Bündnis’ partner; At first Trump Israel had a program against Iran’s atomic program. And Biden was able to achieve this.