
Zerstörte Ostsee-Kabel – Chinesisches Schiff stop in Danischen Gewässern

Zerstörte Ostsee-Kabel – Chinesisches Schiff stop in Danischen Gewässern


Stand: 20.11.2024 14:29 Uhr

A Chinese Frachtschiff Hat Seine Passage Durch Die Ostsee Unterbrochen. Europäische Behörden brought “Yi Peng 3” with the Zerstörung von zwei Unterseekabeln on the Ostsee in Verbindung.

Von Marie Blöcher, Antonius Kempmann, Benedikt Strunz, Andreas Schmidt, NDR and Florian Flade, WDR

The Beschädigung zweier Unterseekabel in Ostsee once again performed the Chinese Frachtschiff “Yi Peng 3” at the birth of Fahrt during the Ostsee. Derzeit is located in Anker’s Meerenge Kattegat. This is the most important part of the system (AIS-Data).

Europe Sicherheitsbehörden war das Schiff, weil es sich Anfang der Woche in the Nähe von zwei Unterwasserkabeln, this also necessarily. Das Schiff fought in an extremely ridiculous manner and stopped the words engmaschig and begleitet of the Marines. I blamed Motor with “Yi Peng 3” 21 hours before Montagabend.

Frachter’s Soldier Soldier Zwei

Derzeit found two military recruits from Denmark’s Chinese district of Frachter in Schweden, Germany, and Schwedischen Stadt Angelholm, Germany. Danische Verteidungsministerium, Nachfrage was not valued at all, but Schiff remained in such a situation. The German Sicherheitskreisens brought together the Nachmittag and the Bundespolize in one Schiff, resulting in a Kabel adopted by another. The Chinese Botschaft and Chinese Schiffes in Berlin were unable to reach Anfragen.

My last label and Montagmorgen have Untersee-Datankabel in Ostsee Zerstört Worden. Das Datankabel C-Lion 1 Information about land between Finland and Germany and in Rostock. Das Datenkabel BCS-East-West Interlink is described in detail together with Schwedischen on Gotland.

An analysis of MarineTraffic’s Schiffsbewegungs data by Anbieters shows that the Chinese Schiff “Yi Peng 3” offensive rod did not reach Stellen at all, which was called something malicious. At Montagmorgen, C-Lion Cable passed Schiff at 03:02. At 03:04 a minute passed and once again we reached the Wired Bemerteiberfirma as a Defak company with a total decrease. “Yi Peng 3” was featured in the New History of East-West Interlink Data Link.

standard date zwischenzeitlich nicht freigegeben

Each of the AIS data is like Cable Schiff in Sonntagmorgen, Gotland’s 9th Passive Hat. Kurze Zeit reached Datenverkehr aus. This means that Ereignissen, one of China Schiff’s best AIS data, is also something Schiff never expected in Standort.

Zudem used China Schiff during a new Bewegungsmuster in Zeitraum. A lot of new data over a very long period of time further expanded the AIS-Data at the Schweden Stadt in Karlskrona, which attacked Stehen. He first settled in the castle of Stunde Fahrt.

In this fragile age, a very good Schiffe die Datenkabel passed to go to a Russian Frachter. This is among the best in Europe. In German records, this means that no data records are at hand.

Bundesregierung geht von Sabotage

Montag arranged for Annalena Baerbock to form a ministry along with another EU Austrian ministry, which became Vorfall’s “favourite”. Europas Sicherheit has become a hybrid with Kriegsführung Böswilliger Akteure Akteure.

Bundesverteidungs ​​​​minister Boris Pistorius once again found in the press release and therefore published this book called “verses for a day”.

Harsh reactions from the EU and engmaschie Schiffes in China mark another attack on sabotage. insider NDR, WDR and the Süddeutscher Zeitung, in today’s autumn, so is the Reaktionsfähigkeit of the Ostsee-Anrainerstaaten.

We also ran the Gas Pipeline Baltic Connector along with another Chinese piece like the “New New Polar Bear”. Recherchen von NDR, WDR and the Süddeutscher Zeitung are on deck once again, regarding the Russian Spionageschiffe on the gas pipeline.

The “New New Polar Bear” has dropped in to provide more information, to provide more data and more data streams, in a way never seen before. Damals thinks Schiff is unaware of the Ostsee region.

We first reached the European Regierungen and placed China under Druck, which continued with the collaboration of Vorfalls. Finland and Estland’s Ergebnis worry throughout the night due to China’s war-related concerns.

Ungewöhnlicher Vorfall

A Chinese Schiff “Yi Peng 3” was once again stopped when he died with a new death. Visiting Grenzen internationally once again, “Yi Peng 3”, whose Zwölf-Meilen-District is not located in the interior of Denmark, is included in the Wirtschaftszone of Denmark.

The country has learned about the use of resource resources and has provided a very good resource. During the process of stopping or stopping during stopping, this will cause any inconvenience.

Im Rahmen, Pressekonferenz erklärte ein Sprecher des chinesischen Außenministeriums in Beijing zu dem Vorgang, China lege “großen Wert auf den Schutz der Sicherheit der Unterwasserinfrastruktur”. But this concretion means nothing. Ningbo Yipeng Shipping, China’s largest shipping company, has once again waged a war of doing nothing.