
K2-360: Made a new start

K2-360: Made a new start

There is a new planetary system and a new planetary system. In Wissenschaftler there is something called a “Super”.

It has an international Forschungsteam, a einzigartiges in Japan and Europe. planetary system Entdeckt, das etwa 750 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt ist. System K2-360 is the better of the two planets and an extremely safe system.

Neu entdeckte “Super” weist extreme Dichte auf

Laut Berichten von „BioBioChile“This is the inner planet of K2-360 b, a Supererde with an end-to-end Umlaufzeit and a beeindruckenden Dichte from 21 Stunden. Der Planet takes up a little more space than a label from Stern. John Livingston, der Leiter der Studie, concrete: „K2-360 b ist so dicht wie Blei. This is a second-class planet, which is one of the best labels for us.“

The new entry Planet K2-360 is 7.7 Mal as well as 1.6 Mal. This can then be used to make something new, which in the hands of the next Kern planet is a better Schichten as it continues intensely lately. Ursprünglich can ensure that the Planet also has many wonderful gewesen.

Forscher Found System’s New Planets

The planet formed a new transit portal with a large Kern over the 48th century. Along with Magma, Darüber can catch a massive fire with an extreme hit.

The system has a planet such as K2-360 c, the highest today in 15-mal mass and an increase of 9.8. “BioBioChile” may perform a planetary migration in the process of “multidirectional migration” as well as Planet K2-360 b during gravitational flow during a major global transit.


Darstellung des Super-Planeten TOI-715, deck hat of NASA 2024. NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA Strengthens Super-Erde

Bereits Anfang des Jahres A planet from the Wissenschaftler team in Birmingham has a very beautiful planet. Der Planet names TOI-715b ist 137 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt und gilded seiner Größe als Super-Erde.

A member of TOI-715 is number 19. There was a good Zwergstern area in the Habitable Zone, and it was the best candidaten of the World War. The Planet TOI-715 is a world with a huge size and is 1.3 kilometers wide, making it the largest planet on the Billiard Earth.