
US-Wahlkampf: Salt-Typhoon-Hacker gets the support of Handy von Trump

US-Wahlkampf: Salt-Typhoon-Hacker gets the support of Handy von Trump

Recommend Hackerangriff from Mobile Donald Trump and JD Vance’s acquisition of Chinese Hacker Group Salt Typhoon. The berichtet dies New York Timesevery day next time Hack Hack. The hacker exploited another Telecommunications service in Verizon and never produced anything new.

Unklar ist, welche Daten gestohlen wurden, die Ermittlungen dauern derzeit an. Bisher haben Best management of the US-Behörde for the US-Bundespolizei FBI and US-Infrastructure SicherheitThis is an Angriff in China as part of the US-Telecommunications infrastructure. He was the Angriffs’ potential prospect at a time when Behörde was doing nothing.

Treaty Sindh praise them Wall Street MagazineTrump and Vance have no phones, we stand by Wahlkampfteam Kamala Harris. It is possible for the hacker to do this by doing nothing, allowing the hacker to transfer metadata in a sensible way. Mithilfe Solcher Daten, very early on, we too acquired a great deal of knowledge or learned something. A Sprecher on Trump’s Wahlkampf team was unable to reach Angriff directly.

Nicht der erste Vorfall

Chinese Hacker has made the Internet more profitable from the Internet. Das Wall Street Magazine
hat bereits I am September berichtetHe also became the US internet provider during Salt Typhoon’s infiltration of the cyber espionage camp. Gelingt dies, you can keep the data or install Schadsoftware. FBI hat berets More information from China gewarnt to Angriffen. china selbst Weist diese Vorwürfe zurück.

Gegenüber Compilation of a Telecommunication Konzerns Verizon New York Times bisher erklärtdas Unternehmen sei “sich dessen bewusst, dass ein hochgradig ausgeklügelter staatlicher Akteur Berichten zufolge mehrere ins Visier genomemen hat, um Informationen zu memeln”. Verizon understands Strafverfolgungsbehörden in Untersuchung und Arbeite Daran, resolving all problems in the best possible way.

Salt Typhoon By Microsoft’s Cyber ​​Experts Stammt is facing Bezeichnungen Taifun in China, Sandsturm in Iran and Blizzard (Schneesturm) in Russia with a wide variety of Hacker Groups according to Wetterphänomenennen.

USA was bought by the first September Iranian HackerWahlkampfteam ensured that the Republican Team would act together with Donald Trump, with a document in which Rennen and Weiße Haus interned for US President Joe Biden. Team Trump had an attempt at a Hackerangriff operation in August.