
Nach Einschlag neuer russischer Rakete

Nach Einschlag neuer russischer Rakete

Nach Einschlag neuer russischer Rakete

The Ukrainian military system became part of the United States with the modern Patriot-Flugabwehr system and the Aegis Ashore Raketenabwehr system. (image alliance / abaca / ABACA)

A Ukrainian Armed Forces bought a Raketen with a large Reichweite, without doing anything in Mittel. The USA will transfer Ukraine to another system of Aegis Ashore. Write elsewhere in the Systems Rumänien and Polen stationiert in the United States – um, officially with the Angrife abzuwehren in Iran.

Russia has reached a new agreement with Namen Oreschnik of Ukraine’s Grand Stadt Dnipro. Machthaber Putin was outraged by a reaction against the rise of the Western Reich in the USA and Great Britain. Many more came with Oreschnik-Raketen in Ukraine.

Diese Nachricht appeared on the Deutschlandfunk program on 22.11.2024.