
Brackelmann Schießt SC Paderborn and Tabellenspitze

Brackelmann Schießt SC Paderborn and Tabellenspitze

SC Paderborn is one of the best names in the 2. Bundesliga and has scored a goal in the Erfolgsseries of 1. FC Nürnberg. He managed to defeat Franken with a score of 3:2 (1:1) when the matches were played in the 13th minute.

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With a score of 13.799 in the Home-Deluxe-Arena, Adriano Grimaldi (6th Minute), Raphael Obermair (55th/Foulelfmeter) and Calvin Brackelmann (90th+6) left Gastgeber Treffer behind. Bruno Soares (8th) and Stefanos Tzimas (51st) served in Gäste. Grimaldi sah zudem die Rote Karte nach einem Ellbogenschlag (78.).

Paderborn kommt zurück

Paderborner, named Arne Schulz to replace Pelle Boevink, started furiously in the Party and made an excellent Flanke with Grimaldi’s Filip Bilbija during the Mittelstürmer. Nürnberger Antwort beat Mahir Emreli’s Soares by a Linksschuss in a 1:1 area by a minute.

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At a time when Lupfer had left the party, Obermair had a Foulelfmeter and Treffer von Brackelmann beat Eckball in the Schlussphase, passing Paderborn’s Sieg Unterzahl.