
Die Lösung für schwer Elektrifizierbares: Grünes Methanol o Müll-Gasen

Die Lösung für schwer Elektrifizierbares: Grünes Methanol o Müll-Gasen

Reduce Methan in Methanol sales and Methane missions.

(MYTH)Reduce Methan in Methanol sales and Methane missions.

The use of Methan with the air conditioning system ensures that Methanol is a Schlüsselrolle in energy saving. A spin-off from MIT has innovative technology with a reduction in Brennstoffe and deponiegaz along with Methanol.

This method in Deponien, Klaanlagen or Landwirtschaftlichen Freigesetzt is a 25-material potential Treibhausgas with CO₂. The state of gas in the atmosphere was also reflected in Rohstoff, along with the Emvolons System, a spinoff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). While circulating in methanol, Methan is not suitable for any general use, it is not suitable for further transport – as standardized with Tankwagen or Containern.

Emvolons System is a system modified with a Gasoline engine. Dieser was so old that a wide variety of bets were made with a “kraftstoffreichen”. This was a new starting point for Kraftstoff, Luft’s best service in Verbrenungs prozess. The existence of Kohlenmonoxide and (Kohlen-)Wasserstoff is due to Grundbausteine ​​for the synthesis of Methanol and other chemicals.

Direct products produced by motor vehicles from extensive chemical processes. This system is transported by a very simple 12 Meter Container and has an infrastructure with large or large scale infrastructures. Jede Einheit can label 8,500 Cubic Meters of Methan in 8,500 Tons of Methanol.

Grünes Methanol is the most important product of energy and Rohstoff. This is a very good idea for Schifffahrt and Schwerlastverkehr and the decarbonization sector. Viele Schiffe made use of Methanol and this is a powerful Klimaziele der Branche zu. Zusätzlich means that Methanol, also called Grundstoff, can then be caused by Flugzeugtreibstoff and other chemicals. Emvolon plant is equipped with Integration of New Wasserstoff in the System with more Methanol Chemicals produced with Ammonia. These can be used more easily in worldly production – or directly for Schiffsantriebe.

Pilot Projects Ready for Use on Deponie

An entscheidender Vorteil von Emvolons Ansatz ist die Skalierbarkeit. The technology is so interesting that it also has much greater functionalities. One of the potential pilot projects in Texas: A New One Million Liter Capacity Tank with a 55,000 Liter Methanol Tank in Collaboration with Montauk Renewable Energy. One of all standards from Montauk Renewable Energy can contribute to production as part of this production.

Umweg über Verbrennungsmotor macht die Anlagen flexible und Günstig

Emvolons modular Systems also deutlich costengünstiger und schneller einsetzbars für traditional chemistry Anlagens. Invest between One Million and Million Euros and get better installations. Damn, you have a brand loss, a Staatliche Subventionen auskommt. Unorthodox Einsatz engines can create the best Schritt of Wirtschaftlichkeit with Kohlenmonoxid-Quelle.