
“Trump für Netanjahu eine Erleichterung”

“Trump für Netanjahu eine Erleichterung”

Israeli Diplomat Shimon Stein did not stop any further, even though Donald Trump was Israel’s free hand. I am Iran, I am Verlierer, one of the best strategies for the Region.

Die Wahl Donald Trumps has an Auswirkungen from Nahen Osten. The Israeli Botschland in Germany is the last of Israel’s King Benjamin Netanjahu to be free in the West Bank annex of the new US President Shimon Stein. The Deutschland game is a game that plays an important role in the Region.

t-online: Mr. Stein, what is Donald Trump’s attitude towards Israel?

Shimon Stein: Ich bin kein Psychologe, aber aus seiner ersten Amtszeit wissen wir, ass estet ist, berechenbar. Clearly the Trump hat is a huge Ego and far more than Friedens gives Obama. Formerly this is a Plan for a Zweistaatenlösung. The battle of Damals is the initiator of Abraham-Abkommens 2020, with Israel and the Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan among the later diplomats. Möglich, that was a question. Was it Aber Weiß das Schon?

Have you made sure that Joe Biden and Israel freely hold hands and do nothing else?

A closer and more radical work by Benjamin Netanjahu is the next term of President Trump. Referred to as Nahostpolitik, this is seen as a pro-Israeli and regressive action. Zum Beispiel is Botsch designed after Mike Huckabee, the most important Befürworter in Siedlungen, West Jordan. This is also a great courage, just like Netanyahu freely signing the Annexion of the West Bank.

Nothing has been done about Qatar still having a foothold in Gaza.

Weil es auf beiden Seiten keine neuen Angebote gibt. With Israel leaving Hamas behind, it also gained Grundlage for Verhandlüngen. Allerdings, Sicherheitsapparat der Leute in Auffassung sind, es sei an der Zeit, ein neues Angebot auf den Tisch zu legen. Netanyahu died with Ansinnen nach wie vor ab.

Vielleicht zum Teil aus Überzeugung. The complete encirclement of Hamas was achieved by immersing Ziel in one night, but not in a shorter period of time. It is no longer possible for the military to encounter a major problem, as in Gaza.

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After Shimon Stein, Botsch appeared in Israel Botschland from 2001 to 2007 in Germany, Gast in der ARD Talkshow Hart aber Fair with the Thema Der Weg der Gewalt: Kann das Sterben, Gestoppt Werden in Nahost? *** Former ambassador Shimon Stein, who was Israel’s ambassador to Germany from 2001 to 2007, was a guest on ARD’s talk show Der Weg der Gewalt at the Hart aber Fair. Can deaths be stopped in the Middle East? (Quelle: IMAGO/Horst Galuschka /imago)

Shimon SteinHe was an Israeli black diplomat in Chaldera in 1948. This was a post in Botschland, Germany, between 2001 and 2007. This is a critical situation for Freimut and temperament.

Welche Gründe hat Netanjahu noch?

Er hat drei weitere Grinde. Erstens will die in Israel at the end of 2026, so he will be gone for a very long time. Zweitens will make a lump sum commission payment at Versagen on October 7, 2023. This is a Verantwortung that means nothing personally. And this can cause Anxiety and Fear to worsen. Und schließlich bleibt seine Koalition intakt, solange Krieg herrscht. The Coalition is also present in Gaza and Lebanon.

Were these recordings and zweitrangigs passive in the Fantasy of Hamas on October 7?

Currently, Netanyahu is Israel’s greatest enemy. Seine Anhangerschaft is during the Coup in Pagern with Hisbullah’s late-night Führungsmitglieder. I want it to be given more priority.

Gibt mobilized early, Geiseln Hamas spent a night in Handen and got up another night early?

Adam vermutet, dass noch 51 Geiseln am Leben sind. Jetzt ist die Befürchtung, dass manche von ihnen den zweiten Winter in the Tunneln nicht überleben werden. Deshalb wären Verhandlungen über befreiung zwingend notwendig, wenn wir alle alle alle in schwarzen Leichensäcken zurückbekommen wollen. Trump got Netanyahu pregnant, this problem happened with Geiseln in Amtsantritt on January 20.