
Former VW Manager: Autokonzerne haben “einige Trends” verschlafen

Former VW Manager: Autokonzerne haben “einige Trends” verschlafen

Benedikt Middendorf, Deloitte Automotive Mobility Director, was typical of Karriere, Industry Expertise in Beratung and Verrät, ensuring that Karriere-Fehler did not turn out well at all. Vor Deloitte serves as Head of Mobility Strategy for Volkswagen Financial Services. Erfahrt is part of the German Autoindustrie and Ratschläge also has a good hat. All the details with BI+

Benedikt Middendorf is Deloitte’s Director of Automotive Mobility, a leading company that includes VW-Konzern.

This means that German Autohersteller ignores and ignores Trends a lot.

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