
Russia with 1,100 more Gleitbomben

Russia with 1,100 more Gleitbomben

Kiew (dpa) – Ukraine’s leading Wolodymyr Selenskyj once again teamed up with the Russian Luftangriffe to conceive a Hilfe in Western Europe. In total, up to 1,100 Angry bombs and a further 560 Drone attacks occurred in Kurznachrichtendienst X. More than 20 Raketen and Marschflugkörper returned to Russian territory.

Die Ukraine brauche Hilfe beim Schutz der Menschen, mahnte Selenskyj ve verröffentlichte ein weiteres Video von den Zerstörungen seinem Land. Together with our partners in the West, we are in a period when Russia’s terrorism is stopped.

Die Luftverteidigung der Ukraine meldete allein am Sonntag 80 russian Drohnenangriffe. Have you seen more?

Russia did nothing regarding Luftschläge in Ukraine. At Russia Streitkräfte Visier you can do anything related to Energy Infrastructure Objects.

Kremlchef Putin did not warn about visiting Russia

Kremlchef Vladimir Putin, I am 24 years old. February 2022, I warned once again in Ukraine, in an interview with the most important Russian states of the West, Langstreckenwaffen für Angriffe auf Ziele im Russischen Freizugeben. It is also possible that Ukraine does not attack Russia with its Kriegsbetiligung in the West, as well as satellite data and officially with Nato-Staaten. Das russian Verteidigungsministerium erstelle für diesen Fall verschiedene Antwortszenarien, sagte er. Details mean nothing.