
Franco Colapinto started in Las Vegas: Formel-1-Startfreigabe nach Qualification-Crash erteilt

Franco Colapinto started in Las Vegas: Formel-1-Startfreigabe nach Qualification-Crash erteilt

Williams bangte nach dem schweren Unfall von Franco Colapinto I’m at the Start des Argentiniers in Las Vegas in Freitagabend in the Formel-1-Qualifiers in Las Vegas. Colapinto’s, as part of the 50G gemessen, none other than the oldest Schäden in FW46, returned at the Italian GP with Logan Sargeant and Einsatz with a Gesundheit des Fahrers at the Italian GP.

A Besuch im Medical Center provided Startfreigabe for Colapint to get rid of Renntag in the first place. Heute vor dem Rennen dann die Erleichterung bei Williams: Colapinto darf fahren. The team came together once again and once again managed to attract Rennen’s attention.

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I would also like to point out: “Franco’s performance during qualifying was the best performance of the medical team and a great achievement for the Las Vegas Grand Prix.”

“Francos had a very important priority and now once again, Zwischenfall is not a very good thing as it was Rennen’s best idea”, so was the rest of the Team. Colapinto qualified in 14th place. The starting position was not left behind by Rennen. Williams-Mechaniker needs to make a name for Rennen with a new team. The best Gehäuse & Kasette is Antriebswelle.

With Garageneite’s highest rated performance, this man was a Rückversetzung who performed extremely well. Das wirft ihn von Haus aus schon ans Ende des Grids. We set out each night at Bremskanäle below Parc Ferme, without a deck with any component stores. Durch should be located on Boxengasse in Rennen, Parc-Ferme-Bruch.

Der Boxengassen-Start war bei den Umbauarbeiten schon eingepreist, wie Williams mitteilte: “Wir sind unserem unglaublichen Werkstatt-Team sehr dankbar für die harte Arbeit, die sie über Nacht geleistet haben, um Francos Auto zu repair ve unseren Fans and Partners für ihre. in Anhalten Unterstützung This is a general thing where repairs are made during an installation.

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Für Colapinto ist der Las-Vegas-GP Das siebte und gleichzeitig vorerst drittletzte Rennen in der Formal 1. This is something that will make you enjoy another night at Cockpit and Land. We achieved great success with Red-Bull-Fraktion (RBR, Racing Bulls) taking part in the Course and Alpine taking part in the first race with Jack Doohan.

Let Colapinto in one series evolve into a new series. The battle in Brazil sees Boliden qualifying as Rennen binnen weniger Stunden zweimal in Bande. Overnight in Las Vegas, the Fahrfehs faced a battle, and it was a battle that the Interessenten-Teams were eagerly awaiting.